You have been found to be related to an account beginning with MERVE DINC.


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You have been found to be related to an account beginning with MERVE DINC.

Dear Friends .

Please help with advice.

My account was suspended and Amazon asked me to go through video verification ( video interview )

I passed the video interview without any problems, provided all the documents and my account was reinstated on June 17

On june 29 my account was suspended again ad reason - "You have been found to be related to an account beginning with MERVE DINC."

I don’t know what kind of account this is and why Amazon decided that I have a connection with some other account.

I have provided again all documents identifying my identity, as well as notarized real estate rental agreements, to confirm the registration address and business address.But I got an answer

"You have been found to be related to an account beginning with MERVE DINC.

We received your submission but do not have enough information to reactivate your account at this time."

Please advise what can I do?

Thanks for your time!

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You have been found to be related to an account beginning with MERVE DINC.
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Amazon has proof that you share information with this other account.

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Please advise what can I do?
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The reasons for the connection run the gamut but here are a few to consider:

  • Do you have any employees or family members who also have a seller account?
  • Has anyone logged onto your device to access another account?
  • Do you share an IP/internet connection with anyone else?
  • Do you use a dedicated device to access your seller account? Was that device purchased new or used? If used, the previous owner may have had a seller account.
  • Do you share a physical address, phone number, credit card or any other such information with another person?
  • Has anyone ever used the buyer account associated with your seller account to place an order for themselves?
  • Have you ever used a third party or virtual assistant to help you with your account?
  • You mentioned real estate rental agreements; do you share a building with another party that may have a seller account?

Consider anything else you may have done to connect you with the other seller. Try to do some research to see if you can find any information on the other seller through the name Amazon provided.

It's up to you to figure out the connection Amazon made and provide them with an acceptable explanation. They'll give you no further information other than the name.

Good luck to you. If you don't recognize the name or can't find the connection, it's next to impossible to come back from this type of suspension.

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Hello @Seller_voLPHpa53qFC1,

Thank you for posting your concern with a multiple account policy violation.

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My account was suspended and Amazon asked me to go through video verification ( video interview )

I passed the video interview without any problems, provided all the documents and my account was reinstated on June 17

On june 29 my account was suspended again ad reason - "You have been found to be related to an account beginning with MERVE DINC."

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From the description of your situation, you completed our general verification and then were deactivated for being associated to this other store. As @Seller_LImVvUWeyiCfQ provided some examples, do you have any type of association with someone else to sells, or previously sold on amazon? Does anyone share the same information when it comes to the business details or what was used to register or update the account?

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I don’t know what kind of account this is and why Amazon decided that I have a connection with some other account.

I have provided again all documents identifying my identity, as well as notarized real estate rental agreements, to confirm the registration address and business address.But I got an answer

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These issues occur when we identify established connections of some kind to the mentioned store. This could be a direct or indirect connection such a friends or family being more indirect, where employees and business partners are more direct associations.

Have you ever hired anyone to open, create, manage or maintain the account other than yourself?

Regarding your documentation, a rental agreement cannot be accepted as it does not provide the required information.

I would recommend watching the seller university video on how to address a multiple account policy violation. Once completed research all aspects of your business and how an association could occur.

The reason this is so important is due to the requirements for reactivation. We will offer two paths:

The first is to show proof of the association along with proof of separation. This will commonly consist of contracts, termination agreements, bill of sale, or transfer of ownership as the notification should have advised. The documents listed are examples and should show how and why there was an association and proof the contract or association was terminated.

Additionally, if the documentation does not exist or cannot be provided, we will require the associated account first be reactivated prior to your accounts eligibility for reinstatement.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


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