What barcode should I put on my PL product regular UPC or 2D or Transparent or Amything else thats better? And will one be fine for fba or would i need multiple ?
What barcode should I put on my PL product regular UPC or 2D or Transparent or Amything else thats better? And will one be fine for fba or would i need multiple ?
I just print a A4 label sheet with 48 labels and print the FNSKU from "Manage Inventory". Then I stick one on each product.
Good Evening @Seller_EPVY721nRy5LV,
It looks like you were able to receive a suggestion on your question from one of our seasoned sellers, @Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC.
If their response helped you, feel free to mark it as “Most Helpful reply” using the 3 dots in the corner of their post. Just in case others have the same issue, the Most Helpful Reply feature brings the selected response right to the top of your thread. Sellers will be able to see the answer right away as your discussion will have a green checkmark when searched within the forums.
I also wanted to share our barcode requirements help page -->HERE<-- just in case you would like to learn more about what Amazon is looking for.
Please let us know if we can further assist you or you may always contact Selling Partner Support with inquiries at anytime. Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon
What barcode should I put on my PL product regular UPC or 2D or Transparent or Amything else thats better? And will one be fine for fba or would i need multiple ?
What barcode should I put on my PL product regular UPC or 2D or Transparent or Amything else thats better? And will one be fine for fba or would i need multiple ?
What barcode should I put on my PL product regular UPC or 2D or Transparent or Amything else thats better? And will one be fine for fba or would i need multiple ?
I just print a A4 label sheet with 48 labels and print the FNSKU from "Manage Inventory". Then I stick one on each product.
Good Evening @Seller_EPVY721nRy5LV,
It looks like you were able to receive a suggestion on your question from one of our seasoned sellers, @Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC.
If their response helped you, feel free to mark it as “Most Helpful reply” using the 3 dots in the corner of their post. Just in case others have the same issue, the Most Helpful Reply feature brings the selected response right to the top of your thread. Sellers will be able to see the answer right away as your discussion will have a green checkmark when searched within the forums.
I also wanted to share our barcode requirements help page -->HERE<-- just in case you would like to learn more about what Amazon is looking for.
Please let us know if we can further assist you or you may always contact Selling Partner Support with inquiries at anytime. Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon
I just print a A4 label sheet with 48 labels and print the FNSKU from "Manage Inventory". Then I stick one on each product.
I just print a A4 label sheet with 48 labels and print the FNSKU from "Manage Inventory". Then I stick one on each product.
Good Evening @Seller_EPVY721nRy5LV,
It looks like you were able to receive a suggestion on your question from one of our seasoned sellers, @Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC.
If their response helped you, feel free to mark it as “Most Helpful reply” using the 3 dots in the corner of their post. Just in case others have the same issue, the Most Helpful Reply feature brings the selected response right to the top of your thread. Sellers will be able to see the answer right away as your discussion will have a green checkmark when searched within the forums.
I also wanted to share our barcode requirements help page -->HERE<-- just in case you would like to learn more about what Amazon is looking for.
Please let us know if we can further assist you or you may always contact Selling Partner Support with inquiries at anytime. Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon
Good Evening @Seller_EPVY721nRy5LV,
It looks like you were able to receive a suggestion on your question from one of our seasoned sellers, @Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC.
If their response helped you, feel free to mark it as “Most Helpful reply” using the 3 dots in the corner of their post. Just in case others have the same issue, the Most Helpful Reply feature brings the selected response right to the top of your thread. Sellers will be able to see the answer right away as your discussion will have a green checkmark when searched within the forums.
I also wanted to share our barcode requirements help page -->HERE<-- just in case you would like to learn more about what Amazon is looking for.
Please let us know if we can further assist you or you may always contact Selling Partner Support with inquiries at anytime. Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon