Restricted edit permissions, sorry you are not the owner of the brand - But I am the owner of the brand
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Restricted edit permissions, sorry you are not the owner of the brand - But I am the owner of the brand

I am receiving a message:

"Restricted edit permissions, sorry you are not the owner of the brand..." when I am trying to edit one of my listings.

I am the owner of the brand and is perfectly registered on brandregistry.

Why do I receive this error message being the owner of the brand?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated

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Tags:Brand Registry
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"I am the owner of the brand and is perfectly registered on brandregistry."

Does all of the information on your seller account match what you have for BR EXACTLY?

In my case I sell under one LLC but my BR is for a different LLC and I had to prove that I owned both.

As I recall I had to log into BR using that email address to make any changes but I haven't done any in quire a while.

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Another day another problem. Can't edit my own products. Never, ever, ever seen a company have so many problems as Amazon.

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Hello @Seller_BJN2z40uvDQ8u

My name is Sandy from the Community Manager team.

This is a known issue currently and we are working closely with the concerned team to get a resolution as soon as possible.

If you have not done so already, please create a seller support ticket to make sure a support representative tracks your case to resolution.



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It sounds like the issue might be related to the email account used during the brand registration process. If your brand was registered with a different email than the one associated with your seller account, that could explain the restricted permissions.

Please double-check that your brand is registered with the primary email linked to your merchant token. If it’s not, I recommend opening a case with Amazon support. Provide them with the necessary information so they can connect your brand name to your merchant token and primary email. Once that’s resolved, you should be able to edit your listings without any issues. @Seller_BJN2z40uvDQ8u

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