Hi @Roberto_Amazon,
I hope you are keeping well!
I need your assistance once again because my buyer/seller messaging has been blocked again.
You had assisted me on a previous occasion - https://sellercentral.amazon.com/seller-forums/discussions/t/4503795a-9c19-40af-b07a-d7adef3ca8b0?postId=b06be654-18ce-4d31-98a9-655af5c90d3d
My message had been approved by the amazon internal team. I have not changed the message at all. I am using the exact same message and once again they have blocked it.
Here is the thread - https://sellercentral.amazon.com/seller-forums/discussions/t/2ee93cad-5a57-43db-9e86-a139f0ac92da?postId=3e933b18-2c37-4fcf-8be9-b2571decdc39
Please could you assist me in lifting the restriction? The message is not against TOS, it has already been approved by the amazon internal team but for some reason I think a bot keeps restricting my messages in error. My new case ID is 17062251201.
Thank you
@Roberto_Amazon I am just following up on this?
Hello! @Seller_LR3eVDWG7tcII
This is Roberto. I was asked to review this thread, I am sorry you are being impacted by this again.
I am currently connecting with our partner for further review. I will contact you back once I have an update.
@Seller_LR3eVDWG7tcII Thanks for the patience. Our partner team has advised that this matter has been previously escalated with the team responsible, to avoid duplicate efforts, please follow up in the case: 17072112541 only.
I have carefully reviewed the case and can confirm is being investigated by the right teams.
Thanks for the patience,