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New Settlement Period Timing Causing Unnecessary Issues


For as long as we've been selling on Amazon, our settlement periods have been in 2-week increments.

Since January, Amazon has continued the 2-week increments, but has interjected an additional 2-day settlement period that effectively just encompasses our monthly storage fees along with the 2 days' worth of sales. These always end up with negative account balances, since 2 days worth of sales is not enough to cover a months worth of storage during our offseason. Instead of waiting for all of our deferred transactions to apply (They are always way more than enough to cover the difference), Amazon charges our credit card for the negative account balance.

Has anyone noticed the same? Is there any fix for this?

It seems ridiculous that Amazon would be charging our CC thousands of dollars, when our deferred transactions are more than enough to cover the storage fees, and our 2-week settlement disbursements are always significantly more.


Thank you in advance for any help!

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Tags:Billing, Credit card, Payments, Seller Central, Transactions
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New Settlement Period Timing Causing Unnecessary Issues


For as long as we've been selling on Amazon, our settlement periods have been in 2-week increments.

Since January, Amazon has continued the 2-week increments, but has interjected an additional 2-day settlement period that effectively just encompasses our monthly storage fees along with the 2 days' worth of sales. These always end up with negative account balances, since 2 days worth of sales is not enough to cover a months worth of storage during our offseason. Instead of waiting for all of our deferred transactions to apply (They are always way more than enough to cover the difference), Amazon charges our credit card for the negative account balance.

Has anyone noticed the same? Is there any fix for this?

It seems ridiculous that Amazon would be charging our CC thousands of dollars, when our deferred transactions are more than enough to cover the storage fees, and our 2-week settlement disbursements are always significantly more.


Thank you in advance for any help!

Tags:Billing, Credit card, Payments, Seller Central, Transactions
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New Settlement Period Timing Causing Unnecessary Issues


For as long as we've been selling on Amazon, our settlement periods have been in 2-week increments.

Since January, Amazon has continued the 2-week increments, but has interjected an additional 2-day settlement period that effectively just encompasses our monthly storage fees along with the 2 days' worth of sales. These always end up with negative account balances, since 2 days worth of sales is not enough to cover a months worth of storage during our offseason. Instead of waiting for all of our deferred transactions to apply (They are always way more than enough to cover the difference), Amazon charges our credit card for the negative account balance.

Has anyone noticed the same? Is there any fix for this?

It seems ridiculous that Amazon would be charging our CC thousands of dollars, when our deferred transactions are more than enough to cover the storage fees, and our 2-week settlement disbursements are always significantly more.


Thank you in advance for any help!

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Tags:Billing, Credit card, Payments, Seller Central, Transactions
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New Settlement Period Timing Causing Unnecessary Issues


For as long as we've been selling on Amazon, our settlement periods have been in 2-week increments.

Since January, Amazon has continued the 2-week increments, but has interjected an additional 2-day settlement period that effectively just encompasses our monthly storage fees along with the 2 days' worth of sales. These always end up with negative account balances, since 2 days worth of sales is not enough to cover a months worth of storage during our offseason. Instead of waiting for all of our deferred transactions to apply (They are always way more than enough to cover the difference), Amazon charges our credit card for the negative account balance.

Has anyone noticed the same? Is there any fix for this?

It seems ridiculous that Amazon would be charging our CC thousands of dollars, when our deferred transactions are more than enough to cover the storage fees, and our 2-week settlement disbursements are always significantly more.


Thank you in advance for any help!

Tags:Billing, Credit card, Payments, Seller Central, Transactions
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New Settlement Period Timing Causing Unnecessary Issues

by Seller_3riVUokKVV2eq


For as long as we've been selling on Amazon, our settlement periods have been in 2-week increments.

Since January, Amazon has continued the 2-week increments, but has interjected an additional 2-day settlement period that effectively just encompasses our monthly storage fees along with the 2 days' worth of sales. These always end up with negative account balances, since 2 days worth of sales is not enough to cover a months worth of storage during our offseason. Instead of waiting for all of our deferred transactions to apply (They are always way more than enough to cover the difference), Amazon charges our credit card for the negative account balance.

Has anyone noticed the same? Is there any fix for this?

It seems ridiculous that Amazon would be charging our CC thousands of dollars, when our deferred transactions are more than enough to cover the storage fees, and our 2-week settlement disbursements are always significantly more.


Thank you in advance for any help!

Tags:Billing, Credit card, Payments, Seller Central, Transactions
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