Read onlyFriday Saturday and sunday shipping charges is too high . I do'nt know why amazon do this with sellers. Its to much irritating that customer want regular shipping but amazon give us only next day shipping. that why we are pay too much for shipping charges.
I request to please control these extra shipping charges otherwise its better to put account on vacation mood.
You always have the option of buying shipping off-Amazon. We've found that on Mondays, we often need to buy off-Amazon for orders going to the Coast. It's a 3-4 day delivery time for USPS Ground Advantage, but Amazon doesn't believe it will arrive in time and so it only offers us USPS Priority Mail (and UPS/FedEx).
You received some very good advice from a veteran seller in your thread on the same subject from 8 months ago. Did you heed that advice? It appears not since you're still having the same issue.