SFP Speed Metrics - what if we dont have all the the sizes
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SFP Speed Metrics - what if we dont have all the the sizes

For SFP you need to hit speed metrics for Standard, Oversized and Extra Large. What if a Seller does not have any items Extra Large items? Would they get a 0% and fail the metric? I imagine this cannot be the case. Amazon has to allow Seller to be SFP that only sell small items. They can't force a Seller to have a diverse sized catalog???

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Tags:MFN, Prime, Seller fulfilled
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@KJ_Amazon any thoughts on this?

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Hello @Seller_hvvNUJjgodXWj. Thanks for checking in with us about SFP Speed Metrics.

Sellers are not required to participate in all three size tiers.

You can participate in Standard or Oversize without Extra Large at your discretion. If you don't have any Extra Large items that will count as N/A (not applicable) and not a failing 0%.

Please let me know if you are seeing otherwise.

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