The FBA lost our shipment, worth more than $10000 in Oct 2024, but when we open case to investigated the shipment, and provided the Bill of Lading, invoice, and appointment number as required. But they reply the Bill of Lading only confirms that the carrier made a delivery at our fulfillment center, and not as confirmation that Amazon actually received the exact items and quantities stated in your shipping plan. Then denying our reimbursement.
When we raised our questions again in the case, they stopped responding and have been delaying for over 5 months, completely ignoring the interests of the seller
Now we are very confused, if the Bill of Lading can not confirm that Amazon actually received the exact items and quantities stated in the shipping, how can we confirm that Amazon's fullfillment center received the exact items and quantities?
We believe that such behavior completely disrespects the seller and damages our rights and interests, because if the Bill of Lading cannot prove that Amazon has received our items, then the fullfillment center has lost the items, and we can only accept our bad luck, with no possibility of proving that the fullfillment center has received the exact quantities. This phenomenon can also lead to fullfillment center employees becoming more irresponsible towards their work.