Read onlyWhat can one do in this case?
A buyer contacted me outside Amazon using instead our business email, the same business email on our website, and the same email on our Amazon account. so he knew who he was talking to.
He states he doesn't like the product and then asks if we sell on Amazon...A red flag IMHO, I requested his full name to try and find his order on some platform other than Amazon because if it is Amazon, it has to be inside Amazon, to proceed and solve his problem.
He responded four hours later....... "Thanks but I talked to Amazon and they gave me a refund"
He went to Amazon, requested a refund and dropped this poison pill:
"Buyer Comment: this product does not appear to be authentic and is a fake product"
But, he just communicated with me at our commercial email, (name and domain exactly the same), which we also have registered here at Amazon, so he knew it was our product!
He used only his first name to hide his identity on the first email but then failed on the second one, using his full name,(*_0) (so we were able to finally trace this order to Amazon) so it made sense this was just an attack.
It's like catching some guy keying your car outside a restaurant!
This is an attack, what can Amazon do about this?
What would you do about this?
can this be reported as abuse, and where?
Thanks for coming to the Forums to ask. Yes, it can be reported as abuse and you took the right steps to try to re-direct the buyer to communicate with you through the Amazon platform (for tracking purposes).