Dear Sellers,
One of the most frequently asked questions from the Ask Amazon Event about GPSR was about the Bulk Upload feature. We hear you! Therefore, please find here the steps to upload warning and safety information or safety attestations in bulk to prove your compliance with our GPSR policy, provided by the GPSR Team:
1. After logging into your Seller Central account, go to the Catalog drop-down menu and select Add products via upload.
2. Open the Download spreadsheet tab.
3. Select the card “List products that are not currently in Amazon’s catalogue” from the list, even if the product is already listed.
In order to upload product documents to your SKU, you must generate a spreadsheet for a single product type and a single store in the official language of that store (for example, German for Germany). The system allows you to generate a spreadsheet for more than one product type, but you must select only one.
You might need to search for the products using the ASIN or the SKU. If the “Select the stores where you want to create offers” step is displayed, go to the “Select language to enter product details” section and select the official language of the store, which will automatically mark the selected store as default and grey it out. Then deselect the remaining stores and “Europe” and continue with the next step.
If a message appears above the Generate spreadsheet button that prompts you to download the beta version of the product information template, opt in. This will ensure the template has the required attributes. If this message doesn’t appear, it means the required attributes are not yet available for the selected product type and store, but will be at a later date. To upload product documents for that product type and store, follow the steps under the “Manage Inventory” section on the “About product documents” help page.
4. Click Generate spreadsheet at the bottom of the page.
5. Open the Excel file from the download list in your browser and enable editing if needed.
6. Go to the Template sheet and make sure rows 1 to 10 are not hidden to see translations of row four in English.
7. Now locate either the Safety & compliance or Compliance section of the sheet, which is highlighted in purple. You can also use the search function by clicking the Ctrl and F buttons to look for the “safety & compliance” section.
8. Scroll to last column in the “Safety & compliance” section to find the columns for product documents, images and the safety attestation. Depending on the type of template you’ve chosen, they might be hidden by default. Click the + sign in the Excel header (below the formula bar) to unhide the columns. There are 17 columns for documents, six columns for the PS01-PS06 image variants, and one column for the safety attestation.
9. Fill in the following mandatory attributes in the template:
- a. contribution_sku#1.value
- b. record_action#1.value
- c. product_type#1.value
- d. compliance_media [document type 5-11]
10. If you want to provide a safety attestation, enter “Yes” in the “gpsr_safety_attestation” column. If you want to provide images or a document, enter the image links or the document link in the relevant columns. Use the URL where your image or product document is stored, which must be a direct download link (e.g. rather than a sharable link that opens the PDF in a browser (e.g.
Remember that you must provide the image or document in the language specified in the column header. If you’re uploading a document, you only need to provide one to comply with our GPSR policy, which must be document types 5-11 listed on the “About product documents” help page.
11. If you want to add images, documents, or a safety attestation for other SKUs, use the new rows and repeat the same process.
12. Save the template on your local drive and close it.
13. Then go back to Catalog and select Add products via upload.
14. Open the Upload your spreadsheet tab and then you can either drag and drop your file or search on your computer.
15. Once your file is uploaded, the automatic validation process will start. If you see the Validation failed message, take the recommend steps to correct any errors. Then click Replace and upload the updated file.
16. Once you get a “Validation completed” message, click Submit products.
17. Open the Spreadsheet upload status tab. If the status is Action required, take the recommend steps to correct any errors and replace the file. When the status changes to Done, the document is sent to our review team for further validation.
18. If you see a warning or notes in the summary file, they won’t necessarily block the document from being uploaded.
19. Repeat these steps for any additional stores.
It may take up to 14 working days for your submission to be reviewed. Images and documents that don’t adhere to the Amazon guidelines for product documents and images will be rejected.
Uploading a document or image doesn’t guarantee that it will be displayed, even if it is approved. When documents and images are received from multiple users, Amazon selects the submission that meet the style guides and standards, providing the best experience for customers. We store all approved documents and images offline so they can be used in the future if necessary.
You must take the steps separately for each EU store that you sell in.
If you don’t want to use a listing template to submit images, but we recommend you use the “Bulk Image Upload” feature instead. For instructions, go to our Image Manager help page.