Fine vs Fashion Jewelry
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Fine vs Fashion Jewelry


I’m listing a fashion jewelry item made of Stainles Steel with real 16k Gold Plating and Silver Plating. According to Amazon guidelines, this is classified as Fashion. However, I do not want to run into any troubles so the question is - is it OK to list the items like this or should I change the title?

…XY Necklace 16k Gold Plated / Silver Plated…

Or should I completely skip it and use Gold Tone / Silver Tone or something? I don’t wanna get randomly banned by some bot just because of wording.

Also, how does Amazon determines whether the listing is Fine or Fashion? Because there is no way to set that when creating the listing via Web. Should I create it via XML template to be sure it’s listed as Fashion?


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Tags:Listings, Pricing
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I don’t think you will be able to list an item with a title like this into Fashion Jewelry.

A few days ago I wanted to list a silver plated necklace and as soon as I published the listing, it became inactive asking me to apply for Fine Jewelry category.

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