Fulfillment Center lost my product and gave us Unexpected FNSKU Excuse!
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Fulfillment Center lost my product and gave us Unexpected FNSKU Excuse!

After our shipment was received at an Amazon fulfillment center, a portion of the units disappeared. We put in a ticket asking to locate or reimburse for the lost units. Amazon was quick to respond with this very generic and vague reply saying “…have arrived at our fulfillment center as an unexpected FNSKU when compared to your shipping plan. Unfortunately, we are unable to recover the physical inventory of the located item at this time, due to the error in shipment plan creation. We are unable to reimburse or reconcile the discrepancies you have asked to investigate for these items because of the error.”.

Unexpected FNSKU when compared to your shipping plan is what they are saying. Nothing else provided but this vague answer. There was no error on the FNSKU. All the inventory set up on the shipping plan matched what was received and there was no discrepancy on the FNSKU. All product was tagged correctly.

We responded with any document we could showing the correct FNSKU and shipping plan only to receive the same e-mail with nothing new mentioned. No proof, no personal response. Just some vague copy and paste response. Over the next 7 days, we responded several times asking for a fair resolution and only received the same exact copy and pasted response from Amazon.

Amazon lost 420 units of our product and is not stepping up and taking responsibility for their mistake. They are claiming the shipping plan did not have the same quantity as what was received, but that is incorrect, and they have provided NOTHING to prove it otherwise. Just the same nonsense. To them, it might be nothing. But to us, it’s a major hit to our business and we can’t sustain if this is the normal operating procedure for Amazon.

I see there are a number of posts regarding this same issue and that is concerning. If there is anything else we can do, please let us know.

Thank you!

Case ID: 17221109601



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Tags:Fulfillment center, Lost shipment
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Thanks for sharing those details @Seller_NB01RSwUiPgow

We are receiving a lot of questions from sellers about the message they receive when they submit an unsuccessful reimbursement request.

We are continuing to share these questions and seller feedbacks with our partner teams, and have requested additional information from that team to share with sellers, and we will provide updates in the forums as we receive those updates.

In the meantime, I reached out to our partner team and asked them to review Case 117221109601. They will check the case details and determine if there is any additional path to appeal the earlier decision, or information available beyond what has already been shared with you.


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