Amazon deactivated my account for a product I didn't sell and asking for suppier suppier invoices
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Amazon deactivated my account for a product I didn't sell and asking for suppier suppier invoices

# Seeking Help with Amazon Authentic Violation Issue

I'm currently facing a challenging situation with my Amazon seller account and would appreciate any advice from the community.

## Situation Overview

I started dropshipping products from a single brand with a proper dropshipping agreement, including my own packaging as per Amazon's policy. After just listing the products (without selling any), I received two authenticity violations.

Since I hadn't made sales yet, I had no invoices for my initial appeal. Amazon then requested future invoices, so I purchased 10 units of each ASIN with a single invoice covering both products.

## Current Problem

Amazon removed one violation but maintained the other, keeping my account deactivated. I've taken the following steps:

- Purchased products directly from the brand and submitted the receipt

- Called Amazon Performance team multiple times

- One Amazon rep suggested I need to provide supply chain documents from my supplier where i submitted first future invoice

- Contacted my supplier (a well-known company) who confirmed in writing that their products are authentic and sourced from manufacturers or authorized distributors

- Supplier refuses to share their invoices as against their policy

- Contacted the manufacturer who stated they don't have a published list of distributors and cannot confirm/deny their customers

## Confusing Situation

What's most frustrating is:

- Neither product was ever sold

- The same supplier invoice was accepted for one ASIN but rejected for the second

Amazon representative suggesting that till your future invoice supplier will not provide their invoice /supply chain ,its not going to help

- I've submitted 10 appeals over the past 7 weeks with no resolution

Has anyone faced a similar situation or have suggestions on how to proceed? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Purchased products directly from the brand and submitted the receipt
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When you say you purchased "directly from the brand", do you mean that you contacted the brand, provided your business license and tax id, opened a wholesale account, and purchased in accordance to their rules (including MOQ), with the understanding that you are selling on Amazon?

Or did you go to their public facing website or outlet store and purchase from there?

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Neither product was ever sold
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Doesn't matter; if you create a listing, that indicates an intent to sell.

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they only give wholesale if you have physical outlet
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That should have been a major red flag that they don't want you selling their brand on Amazon.

You bought retail, which has been very clearly stated lately as not being a legitimate source. Check out this post for more details, especially item #3:

I see no way forward for you. It's pretty obvious you were offering a brand that had not authorized you to sell their product on Amazon. And I'll wager a guess that your dropshipping service that you are using has buried somewhere in their terms that they are not responsible.

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