Read onlyAny success/tips appealing this?
We sell incense (and have for 20+ years)
Attempted to appeal twice…to no avail.
Sent invoices, manufacture website (with direct links to product) full description of product, product packaging (all 6 sides) pictures of the contents of the package; and yet Amazon says I am selling drugs lol
I cannot find a good help page to appeal this “violation”, all the help pages seller support send over is just you cannot sell drugs.
Is it delta-8/delta-9 or one of the other synthetic/analogues to THC? That’s the only way I could see this assessment of theirs making sense.
Did someone add bad keywords to the listing? If not in the USA, maybe on one of the other markets?
We are in the same boat. Two of our incense listings are misidentified as synthetic cannabinoid. Getting the same robotic response from Amazon every day for last two weeks. I hope some real human from Amazon can look into this. We have thoroughly checked all content images keywords. Nothing remotely suggests of drugs. Please keep posted if you get any success in removing these restrictions.
Hi Home_and_holiday and Vasco,
Even our tibetan incense listing has been removed by classifying it as synthetic cannaboids.
We have raised the case multiple times - 10741012171, however same automatic response.
Please do keep us updated if you find anything
Hi All,
CBD is a prohibited product at Amazon, see here. If this is listed anywhere in your products ingredients, then this is a violation of Amazon’s policies.
@OneTap_Retail - I looked at your case and the team is determining your product falls into the Drug category due to the cannaboids, therefore it has to meet these restrictions, Drugs & Drug Paraphernalia. You can appeal this if you prove that restricted ingredients are not in your product.
This thread might be helpful!
Is your listing for Frankincense and Myrrh?
Literally happen to me this morning. Woke up to find an email from amazon calling me a drug dealer. Claimed my incense sticks with Myrrh were flagged as a synthetic cannabiod. Only 4 ingredients in the sticks, all were listed and pictured in ad and can be found at the grocery store.I tried explaining this to support but i dont think they will help.
So either Amazon now has the power and authority of the FDA or someone is sitting at home flagging all our listings. Either way this is just one more drop in the sea of excrement that is Amazon.
Hi, facing same issue for the last month and I sell a product that has myrrh. Here is a post I created about it.
Let me know please if you find a solution
Success(maybe). I got this email a few hours ago.
Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,
Thank you for your patience. The review of ASIN [***] is complete and the product does not appear to meet the criteria outlined in our “Restricted Products” Help topic. We have started the process of reinstating the product detail page, and you may relist the product. Please note that the reinstatement may not take effect immediately but the process should be completed within the next 1-2 business days.
Not sure how i got this outcome. I called several times and submitted several support tickets in all the categories under products and listings support. The appeal was denied initially so I responded with a few harsh words. Pretty sure that what everyone else has been doing.
Hopefully the info in the email is accurate and itll be reinstated. Fingers crossed
Hi this method worked for us. We also submitted just like what ASTZ said. Thank you so much ASTZ, helping fellow sellers!!