How to protect my Brand from hijackers
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How to protect my Brand from hijackers

I register my Brand in Amazon India. I want to protect my Brand. Some other sellers are listed in my brand. I want to remove oher sellers listed under my brand. I want to protect my brand. No one else should be allowed to enter without my permission in my Brand listing. How to do this.

My Brand Product ASIN is B0D9W6VYXL, My Store Name is GSRK HUB

But the seller Named SUPER NATIVE VENTURES listing in my brand without my permission. Please remove the seller and protect my Brand.

The ASIN/ISBN of the item's detail page and the product title

My Brand Product ASIN is B0D9W6VYXL, My Store Name is GSRK HUB

Titile is - GEYESORâ„¢ Period Cramp Relief Massager with Heating Pad for Period Cramps For Back Pain | Crampfree- Period Cramp Relief Heater And Massager | Ergonomic Design Cramp-Free Period Cramp Relief Heater & Massager | Effective Pain Relief Products for Menstrual Cramps

The store or business name of the seller are Named SUPER NATIVE VENTURES and DSENTERPRISES195

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Tags:Intellectual property infringements
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