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Money vanished into thin air

I ran every report possible and scoured over everything and there is over $4K that just disappeared. It is not accounted for in past or future payouts and seller support so far has been a joke. I have read tons of horror stories about Amazon screwing with people's inventory and with payouts and now it seems it's my turn. I as everyone else, is not on hear to lose money or give it away to Amazon. I will not continue selling here if I have to worry about this. I have a feeling I will suffer the same fate as most and get the run around, endless screenshots and emails and maybe, just maybe, many months down the road I MIGHT get my money back. I think I may be done with Amazon. I will focus on my own website and pour the money I have been pouring into Amazon into THAT instead. In the meantime, is there anything I can do to expedite the process of this getting resolved?

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Tags:Bank account, Seller Central, Transactions
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Money vanished into thin air

I ran every report possible and scoured over everything and there is over $4K that just disappeared. It is not accounted for in past or future payouts and seller support so far has been a joke. I have read tons of horror stories about Amazon screwing with people's inventory and with payouts and now it seems it's my turn. I as everyone else, is not on hear to lose money or give it away to Amazon. I will not continue selling here if I have to worry about this. I have a feeling I will suffer the same fate as most and get the run around, endless screenshots and emails and maybe, just maybe, many months down the road I MIGHT get my money back. I think I may be done with Amazon. I will focus on my own website and pour the money I have been pouring into Amazon into THAT instead. In the meantime, is there anything I can do to expedite the process of this getting resolved?

Tags:Bank account, Seller Central, Transactions
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Hi @Seller_TrZ93U0AQrGZo,

Could you provide more details about where you initially saw this money and where it's now missing from?

Different Amazon reports show data in different ways, which can sometimes make it appear like money is "missing" when it's actually just reported differently.

According to the "Why do my numbers seem different across the various reports?" help page (, there are several reasons why numbers might appear different across reports:

  • Business Reports include cancelled orders, Payments doesn't
  • Payments include Amazon Fees, Business Reports don't
  • Business Reports and Order Reports show all orders placed, while Payments only shows shipped orders
  • Refunds can appear in different time periods depending on the report

If you could share which specific reports you're comparing, we might be able to help identify where the discrepancy is coming from.

Kind regards, Michael

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my total sales are $12,053.01
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"Total sales" are of no matter for us. That is the amount Amazon receives from customers.

You will loose your mind if you try to understand the "Statement View". Better you go to "Transaction View", there you see anything coming in and going out. Then do the math regularly beginning one day with your "Total Balance" on your main dashboard.

The "missing" amount (it has to be around $ 1000.--) is probably the "Current Reserve Amount" which you see on the day of the last payout under "Transaction View".

BUT you pay WAY TOO MUCH for ads. You earned from sales $ 7270.-- and you payed to get these sales $ 3400.--. That's completely insane and you loose a lot of money like this.

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Money vanished into thin air

I ran every report possible and scoured over everything and there is over $4K that just disappeared. It is not accounted for in past or future payouts and seller support so far has been a joke. I have read tons of horror stories about Amazon screwing with people's inventory and with payouts and now it seems it's my turn. I as everyone else, is not on hear to lose money or give it away to Amazon. I will not continue selling here if I have to worry about this. I have a feeling I will suffer the same fate as most and get the run around, endless screenshots and emails and maybe, just maybe, many months down the road I MIGHT get my money back. I think I may be done with Amazon. I will focus on my own website and pour the money I have been pouring into Amazon into THAT instead. In the meantime, is there anything I can do to expedite the process of this getting resolved?

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Tags:Bank account, Seller Central, Transactions
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Money vanished into thin air

I ran every report possible and scoured over everything and there is over $4K that just disappeared. It is not accounted for in past or future payouts and seller support so far has been a joke. I have read tons of horror stories about Amazon screwing with people's inventory and with payouts and now it seems it's my turn. I as everyone else, is not on hear to lose money or give it away to Amazon. I will not continue selling here if I have to worry about this. I have a feeling I will suffer the same fate as most and get the run around, endless screenshots and emails and maybe, just maybe, many months down the road I MIGHT get my money back. I think I may be done with Amazon. I will focus on my own website and pour the money I have been pouring into Amazon into THAT instead. In the meantime, is there anything I can do to expedite the process of this getting resolved?

Tags:Bank account, Seller Central, Transactions
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Money vanished into thin air

by Seller_TrZ93U0AQrGZo

I ran every report possible and scoured over everything and there is over $4K that just disappeared. It is not accounted for in past or future payouts and seller support so far has been a joke. I have read tons of horror stories about Amazon screwing with people's inventory and with payouts and now it seems it's my turn. I as everyone else, is not on hear to lose money or give it away to Amazon. I will not continue selling here if I have to worry about this. I have a feeling I will suffer the same fate as most and get the run around, endless screenshots and emails and maybe, just maybe, many months down the road I MIGHT get my money back. I think I may be done with Amazon. I will focus on my own website and pour the money I have been pouring into Amazon into THAT instead. In the meantime, is there anything I can do to expedite the process of this getting resolved?

Tags:Bank account, Seller Central, Transactions
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Hi @Seller_TrZ93U0AQrGZo,

Could you provide more details about where you initially saw this money and where it's now missing from?

Different Amazon reports show data in different ways, which can sometimes make it appear like money is "missing" when it's actually just reported differently.

According to the "Why do my numbers seem different across the various reports?" help page (, there are several reasons why numbers might appear different across reports:

  • Business Reports include cancelled orders, Payments doesn't
  • Payments include Amazon Fees, Business Reports don't
  • Business Reports and Order Reports show all orders placed, while Payments only shows shipped orders
  • Refunds can appear in different time periods depending on the report

If you could share which specific reports you're comparing, we might be able to help identify where the discrepancy is coming from.

Kind regards, Michael

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my total sales are $12,053.01
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"Total sales" are of no matter for us. That is the amount Amazon receives from customers.

You will loose your mind if you try to understand the "Statement View". Better you go to "Transaction View", there you see anything coming in and going out. Then do the math regularly beginning one day with your "Total Balance" on your main dashboard.

The "missing" amount (it has to be around $ 1000.--) is probably the "Current Reserve Amount" which you see on the day of the last payout under "Transaction View".

BUT you pay WAY TOO MUCH for ads. You earned from sales $ 7270.-- and you payed to get these sales $ 3400.--. That's completely insane and you loose a lot of money like this.

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Hi @Seller_TrZ93U0AQrGZo,

Could you provide more details about where you initially saw this money and where it's now missing from?

Different Amazon reports show data in different ways, which can sometimes make it appear like money is "missing" when it's actually just reported differently.

According to the "Why do my numbers seem different across the various reports?" help page (, there are several reasons why numbers might appear different across reports:

  • Business Reports include cancelled orders, Payments doesn't
  • Payments include Amazon Fees, Business Reports don't
  • Business Reports and Order Reports show all orders placed, while Payments only shows shipped orders
  • Refunds can appear in different time periods depending on the report

If you could share which specific reports you're comparing, we might be able to help identify where the discrepancy is coming from.

Kind regards, Michael

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Hi @Seller_TrZ93U0AQrGZo,

Could you provide more details about where you initially saw this money and where it's now missing from?

Different Amazon reports show data in different ways, which can sometimes make it appear like money is "missing" when it's actually just reported differently.

According to the "Why do my numbers seem different across the various reports?" help page (, there are several reasons why numbers might appear different across reports:

  • Business Reports include cancelled orders, Payments doesn't
  • Payments include Amazon Fees, Business Reports don't
  • Business Reports and Order Reports show all orders placed, while Payments only shows shipped orders
  • Refunds can appear in different time periods depending on the report

If you could share which specific reports you're comparing, we might be able to help identify where the discrepancy is coming from.

Kind regards, Michael

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my total sales are $12,053.01
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"Total sales" are of no matter for us. That is the amount Amazon receives from customers.

You will loose your mind if you try to understand the "Statement View". Better you go to "Transaction View", there you see anything coming in and going out. Then do the math regularly beginning one day with your "Total Balance" on your main dashboard.

The "missing" amount (it has to be around $ 1000.--) is probably the "Current Reserve Amount" which you see on the day of the last payout under "Transaction View".

BUT you pay WAY TOO MUCH for ads. You earned from sales $ 7270.-- and you payed to get these sales $ 3400.--. That's completely insane and you loose a lot of money like this.

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my total sales are $12,053.01
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"Total sales" are of no matter for us. That is the amount Amazon receives from customers.

You will loose your mind if you try to understand the "Statement View". Better you go to "Transaction View", there you see anything coming in and going out. Then do the math regularly beginning one day with your "Total Balance" on your main dashboard.

The "missing" amount (it has to be around $ 1000.--) is probably the "Current Reserve Amount" which you see on the day of the last payout under "Transaction View".

BUT you pay WAY TOO MUCH for ads. You earned from sales $ 7270.-- and you payed to get these sales $ 3400.--. That's completely insane and you loose a lot of money like this.

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