Read onlyI got ungated to sell a product, but when i go to list that specific product/brand, it does not give me the option to list it (uploaded a pic).
So i contacted amz and they tell me that i need to wait till im elegible to sell that product and see the "apply to sell" button.
What they dont understand is that i already applied to sell, got approved and still cant list it. Im really frustrated because what should i do then?
Because in order for sellers to get ungated, is to get an invoice, and to get an invoice, you need to make an order from a distributor, and to do that, you need to spend a lot of money. And you do this, because amazon gives you the option to sell this product, and when you do all the requirements and spend that money, and apply and everything and even got approve amazon says that you can sell it, so i think is not fair, and they never give you a solution.
(you can see in the image that i got approved from a brand, and when i go to list it, does not let me). This happened with a few brand, not only one, and i waited for 1 week almost, so should be updated.
This may or may not have anything to do with your issues, but do you have permission (in writing) from 21st Century to sell their products on Amazon?
A supplier can't give you authorization to sell on Amazon; only the brand can do that. Many brands that have no problem with any B&M store selling their product still want to control who sells it on Amazon.
Perhaps not. But if you do manage to list this product, and there are any sort of IP/inauthentic complaints, you may not be able to resolve them if you are not an authorized seller. Many people have lost their Amazon accounts in exactly this manner.
You are both: lucky and unfortunate.
You are lucky:
because the system didn't allow you to list. In order to SELL a BRAND on Amazon, they will ask you AFTERWARDS an INVOICE (not receipt) and a written "Letter of authotization" from the brands. In the meantime you have sent your products to FBA and you have neither the one nor the other. Amazon will take your listing down, confiscate and destroy the products and NOT give you the money for eventual sales. Additionnally they will suspend your account forever for having sold "counterfeit", no matter if they are counterfeit or not.
You are unfortunate:
because actually Amazon doesn't allow new supplement sellers. So you have to find other products to sell.
But hey: you still OWN your account, in contrary to thousand others who could list brands!
Hello @Seller_c4dlOVlAD2pSR,
Thanks for reaching out. I know that this can be frustrating as you were previously approved. However, as part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best possible customer experience, Amazon has implemented additional restrictions for Ingestible Brands. The ASINs from this brand fall under ingestible items. Unfortunately, we are not accepting applications for ingestible brands at this time. .
If you have a relationship with the brand directly, you can reach out to them to ask them to add you as an Authorized Reseller of their brand via their Brand Registry, which may get you approved to list their items.
I know this is not the outcome that you were hoping for, but I thank you for your understanding.