Return window is wrong ... what are my options?
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Return window is wrong ... what are my options?

Customer orders item in December (during extended return window: "returnable through January 31, 2024"), Delivered 1/3, return request started and approved 1/4. The customer's instructions say "All items must be sent by 2/10". Why? What does "returned within 30 days" really mean? Why is this return still (as of 2/12) showing in my dashboard, and has been continuously, even after 30 days from approval?

Customer sent back the item on 2/10, and expects a full refund, per messaging provided by Amazon. I feel I should get 20% + shipping, although of course I'll get (and lose) an A2Z because Amazon mis-informed the customer. Any clarification appreciated.

Mods: case #17188156251. Forgive the salty language. To you, professional is us keeping our cool even after hours of off-topic and incorrect responses from "support." To me, professional would be defined as not screwing up, but offering actual support when you do.

6 replies
Tags:Refunds, Return shipment, SAFE-T
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Unless you have rock solid proof of a loss of value due to the delay (Such as a calendar going for half price because the year has changed since the sale..) you wont win this one. Just let it go...

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I primarily want to know is "why 2/10"? It's not 30 days after anything. Policy doesn't say "about 30 days" or "30-something days." If the TOS isn't worth the paper it's wiped on, why should sellers follow it?

Support is simply saying "because we said so." I'd like a better answer:"As the buyer was given an extended timeframe to return the item till the 10th of February, the return option showing as "eligible" for the order is correct "

What I ultimately want is to withhold 20% for an out-of-policy return, which, per all Amazon documentation, it is. But I'll lose that A2Z when the customer indicates that Amazon told them the wrong date, then they followed those instructions.

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Follow-up #1. The referenced case lead to support telling me to file a SAFE-T. This of course required another case (17261095411) that required way too many contacts, in order to get Amazon to refund, while exposing me to an A2Z claim for taking too long to refund.

This is not support. This is stonewalling.

SAFE-T filed, will follow up to let everyone see how pointless this all was. Amazon treats the TOS like a serving suggestion, while bludgeoning us at will with the same.

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