Read onlyAs the title reads, a buyer requested cancelation of their order and I promptly complied with their request to cancel their order in under 3 hours. A few weeks later I received negative feedback with the phrasing "never arrived!!!" in the comment. The order never arrived because they requested for the order to be canceled. Attached is the cancelation request I received from Amazon.
I have opened a case with Amazon to request this is removed and they refuse to answer my question as to how/why a buyer is able to leave feedback for a canceled order (that they requested be canceled) and how it is fair to me as a seller for this to happen when I was simply doing what the buyer had asked. Amazon then states "we can't remove the feedback because you canceled the order". So does this mean I should not cancel orders and they'll remove feedback is a buyer leaves negative feedback once I ship the order? None of this makes any sense.
Has anyone else had this issue come up? How did you get it resolved, if you were lucky enough to get through the horrible replies from support?
Case ID: 17047208131
Do you have the option to respond to the feedback?
Hello @Seller_LB7QZfBHi19dH- and thank you for creating this post.
In general, there are only a couple situations where Amazon can remove the feedback of a buyer on their experience with a seller. You can review the full policy here, but in general, it is in situations where the comment contains profanity, personal information, or is entirely a product review with no reflection on the services provided by a seller.
In this case, I do note the customer left this feedback despite submitting an order cancellation request and have connected it to our team internally to understand if any recourse is possible. It may take a couple business days for this review to be completed, but I'll be sure to post an update when I receive one!