there is no policy violation in my account heath but amazon said my account still can be deactivated
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there is no policy violation in my account heath but amazon said my account still can be deactivated

there is no policy violation in my account heath but amazon said my account still can be deactivated

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Tags:Account Health
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Hi @Seller_7k2HoSQDSiRKx,

Thank you for your post. In order to better assist, we would need more information from you.

Is the account deactivated? If so, you would have received a performance notification giving you the reason for the suspension. Within this message would also likely be the path forward regarding the reinstatement process. Please share that information here in the thread (with personal details removed) so that we may better understand your situation.

If the account is still active, but you are seeing an "At Risk" banner from the Account Health page, we would need to know the information within that banner. Typically these banners populate the page due to an accumulation of listing violations, a shipping metric issue, or Inform Act related issues. If this fits your scenario, please share those details here in the thread.

Please feel free to reach out with any further questions or account updates, and we will assist you as best we can.



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