Delivery BOL Needed
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Delivery BOL Needed


Amazon Freight LTL picked up our order FBA17JGT3V8P and we need a signed BOL from the delivery. Where can we get this document?

Amazon Reference Number is - 26522740341

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Hi @Seller_3Xf9XNpwrd3wB,

Dominic from Amazon here, this should be provided by the carrier.

For each LTL or FTL shipment you create in your shipping queue, you must provide a valid bill of lading (BOL) to the carrier, so it can schedule a delivery appointment. Shipment BOLs that do not meet the requirements listed below will be refused upon delivery. For Amazon-partnered LTL or FTL shipments, a BOL is generated on the morning of the pickup date and becomes available in the Track shipment tab of the Shipment summary. You can additionally download a blank BOL to fill in for your partnered carrier shipment here.

Follow these guidelines when filling out the BOL form provided by your carrier. We recommend using a standard BOL template, which helps ensure that your shipment is easy to identify and received in a timely manner. If your carrier does not provide a template, make sure your BOL includes the following information:

  • All Amazon reference IDs and shipment IDs contained in the shipment. You can find these in the Summary of the Shipment creation workflow.
  • Seller name
  • From address (street address, city, state, ZIP code)
  • Legal name of the seller
  • Carrier name and standard carrier alpha code (SCAC)
  • Carrier's shippers reference number (PRO#)
  • Handling unit quantity (pallet, box, each) information
  • Trailer and seal number (truckload shipment only)
  • "Shipper load and count" or "SLC" if the trailer is loaded, locked, and sealed without enabling the driver to count or inspect the shipment contents
  • Correct pallet and box count quantities
  • Freight charge terms

Include the BOL number on the shipping container or pallet label. This allows for quick freight verification upon delivery to the Amazon fulfillment center.



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