We have submitted 20+ cases against a single seller using our brand logo (with US Trademark) on their own Amazon listings to deliberately dupe and confuse customers into thinking they are buying our product. Our brand name is registered with Amazon Brand Registry and all cases were generated properly from within the Amazon Brand Registry report a violation page.
Over the last 6 months, Amazon has refused to take action. In fact, Amazon has threatened our company for making "false claims of IP theft". Can someone help us? Why is Amazon refusing to take action against a legitimate request for protection? The violation is blatant, the violation is causing customer confusion and dissatisfaction, and the violation is clearly articulated in the Amazon Seller Guidelines. Yet... we are the bad guys?
Hi there @Seller_IVcHdFvs2pSUl
We actually have an event going on with the topic of Report a Violation right now found HERE!
I recommend you bring this up there to get assistance from that team directly!