If a company like lowe’s is the only place that sells a certain brand , how would i get ungated with this item within the brand? I’m a little bit confused how I would buy from a retailer but need the invoice from the brand itself which is only sold under Lowe’s. My guess is I would have to get either the brands approval to sell their item ?? I’m just lost. someone explain
" My guess is I would have to get either the brands approval to sell their item ?? I’m just lost. someone explain "
Well, you at least asked BEFORE you trashed your account!
Study Seller U for the next MONTH--
"how would i get ungated with this item within the brand?"
BEFORE you worry about ungating ANYTHING you start by contacting the BRAND and asking how you open a WHOLESALE account with them.
They will either tell you how to open one OR they will refer you to one of their wholesale distributors. In either case, ask them if they will provide you with an LOA that SPECIFICALLY says that you are allowed to sell ON AMAZON.
MANY brands now say NO immediately. Fold your tent on that brand and find something else to sell unless you want to play Russian Roulette with a Glock!
More and more frequently Amazon is taking a TWO STEP approach and you are probably caught with not doing one of the steps (or either one!)
DO NOT confuse AMAZON allowing you to list (or at least "ungate") an item or category and actually being APPROVED to sell a product. Amazon might ungate you for a CATEGORY, but there can be 100's of brands in the category and they ALL have their own restrictions.
AMAZON is only interested in FEES. They will allow a chimpanzee to list if it means they collect $$$$$.
Additionally, brands that you COULD sell yesterday may be restricted today or next week. Amazon is a moving target to deal with.
DO YOU have an LOA from the brand allowing you to sell on here?
If you have an LOA that specifically says you can sell on Amazon you MIGHT survive listing items.
More and more brands are providing a "whitelist" of their approved sellers and if YOU are NOT on the list you will be stopped in your tracks and probably hit with an IP violation.
DID YOU source from AUTHORIZED wholesale sources that your rep at the brand says are OK? You DO have a sales rep at the brand, don't you?
NOTE the verification is required from the brand that the source is legitimate and authorized, NOT from one of those touted on TikTok and YouTube as having "thousands of brands and products" that assures you that they are authorized.
If you have watched any YouTube or TikTok videos FORGET everything you saw there.
Spend hours/days on Seller U and read the Forum to see all the really creative ways rookies and experienced sellers find to get suspended by ignoring the advice above!
If you don't already have the above requirements in place you are probably going to have stranded inventory (if you do FBA) and a suspended account.
You wouldn't.
Think about it; if you started selling it, then your statement that Lowe's is "the only place that sells a certain brand" would no longer be true, as you would be selling it as well. Do you really think that a company like Lowe's that has an exclusive brand would want some random person selling the product also?
Your guess is correct, not just for this brand but for almost any other; you need permission FROM THE BRAND to sell their product on Amazon. And when you get that permission, you need to be sourcing it from an authorized WHOLESALE distributor.
Hi @Seller_blCiie2WuzDmY,
Thanks for reaching out. I see that you have been provided with some great information and as @Seller_kIukTwdhvntAp and @Seller_nRFmxiQg4EGrw have stated, you cannot get approved by purchasing from a retail store. You may find this post regarding approvals helpful.
Wishing you the best!