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Today I’d like to discus something that impacts each and every order on Amazon, Fee Categories. Fee Categories describe the type of product an item is. Some examples are Tires, Pet Products, and Toys and Games. Fee Categories are separate from Browse Categories and product category listing requirements, and are used to determine fee rates based on the type of product that’s being sold. Fee types that may use fee categories in their calculation include, but are not limited to, referral fees, closing fees, FBA fulfillment fees, and FBA returns processing fees. In some instances the Browse Category and the Fee Category may not be the same because an item could belong to more than one browse location to help customers find it more easily. For example children’s book may be listed on Amazon under Books as well as under Toys to help customers find your items, but its fee category will only be Books.
You can review the Fee category guidelines for your products to see some examples of what products fall under specific Fee Categories. If you think that the fee category for a product is incorrect, you have the option to appeal any changes to an ASIN’s Fee Category. To do so, please reach out to Selling Partner Support via the Contact Us page providing each ASIN, the current Fee Category, and the Fee Category you believe is correct for that ASIN. You can verify the current fees and the Fee Category for your product using the Revenue Calculator.
hanks for reading along today, please share your experiences with Fee Categories!
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Let me know if you have any further questions. If you have any issues with a specific ASIN please make a new thread with your details and Case ID. Have a great day.