Amazon doing injustice
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Amazon doing injustice

I created my own listing a while ago.I created it under generic because it wasn't registered yet.Amazon deactivated it under section 3 saying that its a counterfeit product of brand XYZ.I mean its my own brand are you serious?.I dont have a word of this XYZ brand on my listing.there is not a single thing that connects to this brand.Even the product image says my brand name even though I created it under generic name.I can show you thousands of listing on amazon that are similar to each other and still running so my question is that why not deactivate them.Why is amazon targeting small sellers.I mean if there is a single valid point that amazon has I would cut my throat off.

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It can be something sold under your own brand, but still be an IP violation. For example, if you sell a stuffed animal as "XYZ Big Earred Mouse" that looks exactly like Mickey Mouse, that's a violation, even though you don't use "Disney" or "Mickey Mouse" in your branding. (just an example; I have no idea what you are trying to sell).

You say that you can show "thousands of listing" that are similar; so is your item actually unique? or is it a copy of something else?`

And as an aside, it's a bad idea to base what you can do on what others are doing; they may have permissions you don't have, or in many cases, haven't been caught yet.

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anyone here please help

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