Issue with Veeqo on Custom Quote listings
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Issue with Veeqo on Custom Quote listings

We ran into a problem with Veeqo when we create listings of Custom Quote products. Amazon creates a special sku but since the same ASIN has been used in our account, Veeqo will automatically synced different skus under the same ASIN, thus modifying the quantity of the custom quote sku. Then Amazon detected the change and automatically deleted the Custom Quote listing. We tried different ways to get around it but all failed. Veeqo has no idea how to solve this as well. Does anyone have a similar experience?

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Tags:ASIN, Listings
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Hi @EpicRise_Electronics,

Thanks for the post.

Veeqo is an Amazon-owned company, but it's a separate company that has its own support team and help center. If you have more questions, contact the Veeqo support team via email at or via a live chat by clicking the help icon in the top right corner of your Veeqo account.

Best regards and have a good weekend.


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