Payment advice not being applied to invoices by Transparency
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Payment advice not being applied to invoices by Transparency

I have a product that was enrolled with Transparency in July 2024. Every month since then, I have paid the bill and sent the screenshot of the payment to the transparency email address on the invoice. This month, I received an email from someone in accounts receivable saying that they are seeing a payment but no payment advice of which invoice to apply it to and asking if I want the payment to go to the oldest invoice (wait WHAT?) and that they have always said that payment advice should be sent to . First time I'm ever seeing this email address.

Well that's NOT the email address that is listed on the invoices: is the one.

So what are the people who are supposed to be monitoring ?

Then a few days ago, Transparency updated their Transactions dashboard and it now says that ALL of my invoices are overdue. The oldest being over 200 days.

What the heck is accounts receivable doing all day long? I have paid for every single invoice that I received. And not one have been applied except for this most recent one. I resent all my screenshots for every month and have not heard back from anyone. So, it still says I'm overdue. That's just crazy.

My thoughts:

1. There should be an automatic email to us when you cross 30 days overdue. 200 days is madness.

2. The correct email address should be on the invoice.

3. Is this happening to any and everyone else too?

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Hi @Seller_GDKePtFy3qjdI

MY name is Sandy from the Community manager team.

Thank you for your post here. I reached out to the Transparency team directly.

The address is the correct invoice address, the is the email that follows up on past due.

I'm going to ask for a Transparency contact to reach out to you directly to resolve these issues.

First, would you let me know which Brand this is in question for? It seems like you have several so just wanted to check we have the right one. You can just let me know the first letter of the brand in question and I can confirm. I have brands connected to you starting in B, R, S.W, L.H and K.F.




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