Order Defect Rate/Negative Feedback
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Order Defect Rate/Negative Feedback

Case ID 15268406391

I’ve been an Amazon seller going on more than 6 years.

Perfect metrics. Nearly 100% positive feedback.

On 3/14/24 I received a negative feedback. Because of slow sales, it created an order defect rate of 1.12% This caused me to lose ALL of my featured offers/buy box. Which of course caused me to go from slow sales to nearly no sales. Because of this reason, my order defect rate continues to go up (it's now at 2.13%). And my account is at risk of deactivation.

I figured the best course of action is to let the 60 days go by, the Order Defect Rate will reset, and hopefully I will get back my featured offers. According to an account specialist I spoke to on 4/26/24, this should have happened on 5/11/24. Today, 5/13/24, the risk of deactivation banner is still there, the order defect rate is still showing over the 1%, and is only getting worse due to slow/no sales. And of course no featured offers/buy box.

Today, 5/13/24, I spoke with an account health specialist. From what I now understand, the order defect rate does not reset after 60 days? I have to somehow try to get it under 1%? And only then will I have a chance at getting featured offers? As I explained to her, how can I get orders without the buy box? Which means I will never get that rate under 1%. She told me to contact seller support about the buy box. But when I do, they tell me the rate has to first be under 1%. So 60 days later, round and round we go with no resolution. Which will ultimately lead me to downgrade my account and then likely force me to just close my account.

Maybe someone/anyone can help?

I've copied what I think are a few mod's from another post. This is my 1st time asking for any real help. If I'm doing it wrong, please help guide me in the correct direction.

Case ID 15268406391

@Dominic_Amazon @Jim_Amazon @Troy_Amazon @Dougal_Amazon

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Tags:Account Health
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I've been having this exact same issue. On the ODR page in the top right corner it will show the current range they are evaluating. After some research It looks like at 7 pm CDT (8PM EDT) amazon updates the ODR report (thats when it changes for me at least).

It tracks a 60 day window but not the last 60 days from today. The window updates each day with a new report. My current one is showing 3/2-4/30. My defective order was 3/7. So even though it's been well over 60 days since that order, it's still in the report window. I'll check my report tomorrow and see if it shifts a day and report back.

As far as getting sales- it's the same catch-22 for me. You need sales to improve your ODR but you lose buy box eligibility which heavily impacts sales. I have listings where I'm the only seller with an offer and it doesn't list me as the featured offer. One thing I've noticed however is it hasn't affected buy box eligibility for books and collectibles. My strategy has been to list as much eligible media as possible and I've still generated some sales and had featured offers from that. I'd recommend finding a large lot of used books to list and sell as quickly as possible, even if at a loss just to generate enough sales to stay as low as possible on ODR each time the window range updates. Keep in mind though that your sales on a given day going forward also won't be reflected right away in the report window.

Second, set free returns for now at least if its not already on. One of my negative reviews could Have possibly been prevented if I had free returns on at the time.

Of course the last and most important thing is to do everything you can to not get another mark although I know sometimes it happens even when we do everything right to remedy the problem for the customer.

Hoping for the best for both of us!

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Also as an addendum to my post. Because of the rolling window that they evaluate, Next time you do get a negative remark it won't show up right away. So try to do whatever you can to push as many sales just after thr negative mark (for about 2 weeks) to flood your denominator on the metric so that when the defect does come into the window, you can hopefully stay below 1% for most of it.

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Hello @Seller_RzqTj7igRizs4

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On 3/14/24 I received a negative feedback. Because of slow sales, it created an order defect rate of 1.12% This caused me to lose ALL of my featured offers/buy box
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Thank you for the information provided regarding the concerns with your negative feedback and the impact to your order defect rate. The overall metric does look at a rolling window of 60 days. The specific issue should roll off after this time has gone by, and the metric should return to normal given there are no additional issues.

Have you pulled the report related to the order defect rate? Is the metric showing as on target as of now? Even if the metric does return to the target range, we cannot guarantee that this will result in the feature offer returning. Per our policy on the feature offer, the offer will be selected based off of the pool of offers that are eligible.

We do encourage you to continue to refer to this thread for any future questions or updates you have on the situation.



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Actually not 60days, 60days plus 15 days. AZ policies are incredibly insane for small sellers.  I loved the first 3 years of selling this site. Amazon policies are incredibly insane to small sellers and no way can keep business going on plus nobody ever leaves positive seller reviews except negative. Once I lose buyer box eligibility I lose 90% off sales which sell 2 items a week so of course no way we can improve ODR and keep going on business.. I can't wait to quit this site, dealing with unfair and confusing policies and all the scammers destroying my account,it will be stress free and without anxiety. I did this for 10 years, enough is enough. Amazon punish us if we miss one error yet they do have delivery issue constantly when I buy from them 

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