Hello Amazon Seller Support and Dear Seller Friends,
Our search for a solution for our merchant account, which has been closed for about 1.5 months, has not yielded any results. Although we have continuously made support requests and submitted the necessary documents, no concrete solution has been provided.
The answers provided by customer service are inadequate and the tools in the Account Health section do not meet our expectations. This reinforces our impression of Amazon's tendency to confiscate money.
As sellers who do business in a completely honest and above-board manner, we are not involved in selling counterfeit products or fraudulent activities. However, the disruptions and inconsistent practices experienced by sellers in similar situations suggest that the process is unfair. We have heard of examples such as 42 different actions needed to be taken to open some accounts, while our account remains closed.
While our account is closed, our funds are blocked, our customer communications are disrupted and our business is seriously damaged. Our phone calls and efforts to open the case are fruitless. This process disrupts our business and leads to long-term victimization.
We support Amazon's sensitivity in ensuring customer safety. However, the lack of concrete and effective solutions to the problems faced by sellers in the current process is unacceptable.
In line with all the documents and applications submitted by us, we expect real, effective and solution-oriented support to reopen our account. We request your sensitivity and understanding on this matter.
We are looking for a solution by Amazon. Please help us.
We are looking for a solution by Amazon. Please help us.