I can see a lot of fake Loui Vuitton and Gucci replica on Amazon. Though this item doesn’t labeled as brands, it’s definitely fake cause they use logos and designs from those luxury products. I attached the photo.
Is this even legal? Or anyone can just steal design and logos from popular brands and sell anything, just don’t mention those brands in the description and all gonna be ok?
I can see a lot of fake Loui Vuitton and Gucci replica on Amazon. Though this item doesn’t labeled as brands, it’s definitely fake cause they use logos and designs from those luxury products. I attached the photo.
Is this even legal? Or anyone can just steal design and logos from popular brands and sell anything, just don’t mention those brands in the description and all gonna be ok?
Because they make money doing it and Federal Law lets them get away with it…
For Now
My guess would be that LVMH has not yet seen these to complain about them to Amazon.
I suspect that if you let LVMH know about these listings, they might file a complaint with Amazon. You can contact them from their website.
And no, selling these is not legal.
These listings are crafted to avoid Amazon bots and this site is too large to police using human beings, so if a bot doesn’t find it the manufacturer has to.
why do corporations sell fake food because they want profit
WOW can’t believe there are still fakes like that.
One thing that Amazon really need look into are fake items that are life threatening.
Last time my brother brought a brand name EBC brake pad from Amazon - fulfilled. The brake pad only lasted him 1 month. It is a fake product for sure.
Peter Navarro sent a stern warning several months ago to Ebay, Amazon & Alibaba about getting control of fakes/counterfeits on their websites. I hope they make an effort.
On a separate note, one of the gang in the “FAANG” (FaceBook) just got slapped by the FTC with an unprecedented fine of $3 Billion dollars. The largest ever against a tech company. Crackdown on the FAANG is underway.
As long as people are buying something there will be sellers.
Technically Amazon does not sell anything so they are using this grey area to avoid problems with law.
Seller making money, amazon making money, poor people who can not afford real LV are saving money.
They would not have spend money at real LV store as they can not afford it. So basically LVMH does not loose anything. Their main concern are those who sell fake products as originals targeting their own customers. But majority of these listings are obviously fake and not intended for LVMH audience. So for LVMH its not really top priority to hunt down all fake sellers. Other parties are perfectly fine with it making money.
AZ is on the way Down…Growth will slow as online shopping becomes Yesterday’s News.
Many are too Poor to Shop…Others have More than They Need and Stop Shopping…
You are very wrong. People love shopping online, you can see the better deals easier, you can find what you want without wasting a day to find that item. Soon you will not be going to the grocery, we already use online shopping for grocery here and you just go pick up what you ordered, with no charge pretty much.
Its been going this way every year and only grows bigger by the year, you should really jump on board, or maybe just keep selling your 1 book a year and keep spewing your opinions.
I can see a lot of fake Loui Vuitton and Gucci replica on Amazon. Though this item doesn’t labeled as brands, it’s definitely fake cause they use logos and designs from those luxury products. I attached the photo.
Is this even legal? Or anyone can just steal design and logos from popular brands and sell anything, just don’t mention those brands in the description and all gonna be ok?
I can see a lot of fake Loui Vuitton and Gucci replica on Amazon. Though this item doesn’t labeled as brands, it’s definitely fake cause they use logos and designs from those luxury products. I attached the photo.
Is this even legal? Or anyone can just steal design and logos from popular brands and sell anything, just don’t mention those brands in the description and all gonna be ok?
I can see a lot of fake Loui Vuitton and Gucci replica on Amazon. Though this item doesn’t labeled as brands, it’s definitely fake cause they use logos and designs from those luxury products. I attached the photo.
Is this even legal? Or anyone can just steal design and logos from popular brands and sell anything, just don’t mention those brands in the description and all gonna be ok?
Because they make money doing it and Federal Law lets them get away with it…
For Now
My guess would be that LVMH has not yet seen these to complain about them to Amazon.
I suspect that if you let LVMH know about these listings, they might file a complaint with Amazon. You can contact them from their website.
And no, selling these is not legal.
These listings are crafted to avoid Amazon bots and this site is too large to police using human beings, so if a bot doesn’t find it the manufacturer has to.
why do corporations sell fake food because they want profit
WOW can’t believe there are still fakes like that.
One thing that Amazon really need look into are fake items that are life threatening.
Last time my brother brought a brand name EBC brake pad from Amazon - fulfilled. The brake pad only lasted him 1 month. It is a fake product for sure.
Peter Navarro sent a stern warning several months ago to Ebay, Amazon & Alibaba about getting control of fakes/counterfeits on their websites. I hope they make an effort.
On a separate note, one of the gang in the “FAANG” (FaceBook) just got slapped by the FTC with an unprecedented fine of $3 Billion dollars. The largest ever against a tech company. Crackdown on the FAANG is underway.
As long as people are buying something there will be sellers.
Technically Amazon does not sell anything so they are using this grey area to avoid problems with law.
Seller making money, amazon making money, poor people who can not afford real LV are saving money.
They would not have spend money at real LV store as they can not afford it. So basically LVMH does not loose anything. Their main concern are those who sell fake products as originals targeting their own customers. But majority of these listings are obviously fake and not intended for LVMH audience. So for LVMH its not really top priority to hunt down all fake sellers. Other parties are perfectly fine with it making money.
AZ is on the way Down…Growth will slow as online shopping becomes Yesterday’s News.
Many are too Poor to Shop…Others have More than They Need and Stop Shopping…
You are very wrong. People love shopping online, you can see the better deals easier, you can find what you want without wasting a day to find that item. Soon you will not be going to the grocery, we already use online shopping for grocery here and you just go pick up what you ordered, with no charge pretty much.
Its been going this way every year and only grows bigger by the year, you should really jump on board, or maybe just keep selling your 1 book a year and keep spewing your opinions.
Because they make money doing it and Federal Law lets them get away with it…
For Now
Because they make money doing it and Federal Law lets them get away with it…
For Now
My guess would be that LVMH has not yet seen these to complain about them to Amazon.
I suspect that if you let LVMH know about these listings, they might file a complaint with Amazon. You can contact them from their website.
And no, selling these is not legal.
My guess would be that LVMH has not yet seen these to complain about them to Amazon.
I suspect that if you let LVMH know about these listings, they might file a complaint with Amazon. You can contact them from their website.
And no, selling these is not legal.
These listings are crafted to avoid Amazon bots and this site is too large to police using human beings, so if a bot doesn’t find it the manufacturer has to.
These listings are crafted to avoid Amazon bots and this site is too large to police using human beings, so if a bot doesn’t find it the manufacturer has to.
why do corporations sell fake food because they want profit
why do corporations sell fake food because they want profit
WOW can’t believe there are still fakes like that.
One thing that Amazon really need look into are fake items that are life threatening.
Last time my brother brought a brand name EBC brake pad from Amazon - fulfilled. The brake pad only lasted him 1 month. It is a fake product for sure.
WOW can’t believe there are still fakes like that.
One thing that Amazon really need look into are fake items that are life threatening.
Last time my brother brought a brand name EBC brake pad from Amazon - fulfilled. The brake pad only lasted him 1 month. It is a fake product for sure.
Peter Navarro sent a stern warning several months ago to Ebay, Amazon & Alibaba about getting control of fakes/counterfeits on their websites. I hope they make an effort.
On a separate note, one of the gang in the “FAANG” (FaceBook) just got slapped by the FTC with an unprecedented fine of $3 Billion dollars. The largest ever against a tech company. Crackdown on the FAANG is underway.
Peter Navarro sent a stern warning several months ago to Ebay, Amazon & Alibaba about getting control of fakes/counterfeits on their websites. I hope they make an effort.
On a separate note, one of the gang in the “FAANG” (FaceBook) just got slapped by the FTC with an unprecedented fine of $3 Billion dollars. The largest ever against a tech company. Crackdown on the FAANG is underway.
As long as people are buying something there will be sellers.
Technically Amazon does not sell anything so they are using this grey area to avoid problems with law.
Seller making money, amazon making money, poor people who can not afford real LV are saving money.
They would not have spend money at real LV store as they can not afford it. So basically LVMH does not loose anything. Their main concern are those who sell fake products as originals targeting their own customers. But majority of these listings are obviously fake and not intended for LVMH audience. So for LVMH its not really top priority to hunt down all fake sellers. Other parties are perfectly fine with it making money.
As long as people are buying something there will be sellers.
Technically Amazon does not sell anything so they are using this grey area to avoid problems with law.
Seller making money, amazon making money, poor people who can not afford real LV are saving money.
They would not have spend money at real LV store as they can not afford it. So basically LVMH does not loose anything. Their main concern are those who sell fake products as originals targeting their own customers. But majority of these listings are obviously fake and not intended for LVMH audience. So for LVMH its not really top priority to hunt down all fake sellers. Other parties are perfectly fine with it making money.
AZ is on the way Down…Growth will slow as online shopping becomes Yesterday’s News.
Many are too Poor to Shop…Others have More than They Need and Stop Shopping…
AZ is on the way Down…Growth will slow as online shopping becomes Yesterday’s News.
Many are too Poor to Shop…Others have More than They Need and Stop Shopping…
You are very wrong. People love shopping online, you can see the better deals easier, you can find what you want without wasting a day to find that item. Soon you will not be going to the grocery, we already use online shopping for grocery here and you just go pick up what you ordered, with no charge pretty much.
Its been going this way every year and only grows bigger by the year, you should really jump on board, or maybe just keep selling your 1 book a year and keep spewing your opinions.
You are very wrong. People love shopping online, you can see the better deals easier, you can find what you want without wasting a day to find that item. Soon you will not be going to the grocery, we already use online shopping for grocery here and you just go pick up what you ordered, with no charge pretty much.
Its been going this way every year and only grows bigger by the year, you should really jump on board, or maybe just keep selling your 1 book a year and keep spewing your opinions.