What's the point of the "Best Seller Badge"
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What's the point of the "Best Seller Badge"

Previously, the “Best seller badge” for my product was showing up for keywords I didn’t have “Amazon’s choice” on, but now it’s failing to show up at all. I called Amazon’s Catalogue team and they said that “Amazon’s choice” will override the Best Sellers Badge for any keyword (makes sense). Then they said for keywords I don’t have Amazon’s choice on, the best seller badge won’t show up (???). Don’t think they know what they’re talking about…

Side note: A competitor also recently attacked my listing and placed my product in a completely random category and I had to move it back. It’s been 12 hours since my product was put into the right category but I’m now in the incorrect category AND the correct category (ranked #3 and #1 respectively), so maybe there’s a delay in updating or being in two categories is affecting the “Best seller badge”? Thoughts?

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I always thought is was run by a bot down in the basement. They work down there in the dark with the lights off, and it is pretty dismal. The Badge bots are right next to Buy Box Bots who through AI, think they are better and more valuable. Now the human Amazonians do not like to go down there and disturb the status quo. So that is why you get the answer you did. :train2:

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Its popular

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We find Amazon uses it as a tool to drive more sales to our Chinese competitors that sell FBA. Being FBM, we never had it even before the Chinese started sending cargo containers to Amazon warehouses…

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