UPS to PO Box address?
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UPS to PO Box address?

Sorry, this may be a stupid question…
I’m using ShipStation. I have a larger, heavy box going to a zone 7. It’s a PO Box. This is an item we would not normally send with USPS past zone 4. FedEx is giving the error message that they can’t deliver to PO Box. But my UPS is accepting it as valid. Do they have the ability to get it to the PO Box? We don’t have SurePost on our account. So I’m a little confused. I don’t want to send it UPS if it’s not going to make it there. But we are going to lose money (shipping more than total sale) if I send USPS.

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My experience with UPS and PO boxes is that if they have an alternate (street) address, they change it for you AND Charge you for that change. (I know…stupid mistake on my part…). Have you tried contacting the buyer (with the additional info requested tag line) to see if they have a street address? But that would be changing the address which I don’t recommend on Amazon…you might just be able to add the street address, leaving the PO box number, so it’s not really an address change. But I’d definitely add signature confirmation.

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They would need a phone number and will charge the address change fee (around $12).

Depending on the amount of the loss, I’d either suck it up, or I would contact the buyer [use the More info required option] - explain this cannot ship to a PO box but Amazon won’t allow you to change the address and that you need to cancel (with Undeliverable address as the reason) and ask them to re-order with a physical address. Depending on how reasonable the buyer is will determine the response.
If it’s a small loss, I’d just eat the cost though and send USPS.

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