Tax collection for orders shipped to South Carolina - Effective April 29, 2019
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Tax collection for orders shipped to South Carolina - Effective April 29, 2019

Based on changes to South Carolina state tax law, Amazon will begin calculating, collecting, and remitting sales and use tax for all orders shipped to customers in South Carolina on April 29, 2019.

Your existing tax calculation settings, order details, and payments reports will update automatically to reflect Amazon’s responsibility. There is no action required for your tax settings or seller account. However, you might consider working with a tax advisor to determine any ongoing tax remittance and reporting obligation changes your business may have.

Refer to our Marketplace Tax Collection FAQ and South Carolina’s Department of Revenue FAQ for more information.

13 replies
Tags:News and Announcements
13 replies
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

While I am a tad bit perturbed to find that Amazon did not announce this change in the News/Headlines until the day after the actual effective date, I must admit that I do think that the South Carolina model is the best of the five that states have been pursuing on the Kill-Quill front.

My friends in the Palmetto State who run B&M retail operations are all quite thankful that Amazon has apparently stopped pushing back against Columbia’s model, designed to collect both sales & use taxes.

Congress, are ya listening?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Dammit, why aren’t Amabezoss kwyers fighting this? STATES CANNOT TAX OR CONTROL INTERSTATE COMMERCE! That power is reserved to Congress. It’s right there in the Constitution!!!

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

where can i find the full list of states which are collecting sales tax now? thanks in advance!

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Why wont amazon give sellers right to make state by state exceptions? Your state wants to take more of our profit, we should have the right to not sell to your state. I cant raise my rates just for their state either, so I get the personal cut out of pocket or raise rates all around to every state just because of yours. Amazon needs to give us that right as sellers.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

not sure if this is fair for seller on Amazon

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

What a mess … the greedy politicians created to mess up our businesses

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