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Solve product matching issues with Products Reconciliation

List your products in the Amazon store using Products Reconciliation, a new tool that helps you compare your product listing with existing products in the Amazon catalog for the same product identifier and solve matching issues in attributes with just one click.

For the list of products affected by conflicting information, go to Seller Central > Catalog > Complete your Drafts. On the Fix your Products page, select Incomplete listings, and click Matching Reconciliation conflicts.

For more information, go to Error 8541.

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Solve product matching issues with Products Reconciliation

List your products in the Amazon store using Products Reconciliation, a new tool that helps you compare your product listing with existing products in the Amazon catalog for the same product identifier and solve matching issues in attributes with just one click.

For the list of products affected by conflicting information, go to Seller Central > Catalog > Complete your Drafts. On the Fix your Products page, select Incomplete listings, and click Matching Reconciliation conflicts.

For more information, go to Error 8541.

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So when I initially read this, I was excited, because I’ve been plagued with matching issues.

I went where I was told to go, and was looking at all the listings with Matching Reconciliation conflicts. I learned that there isn’t a one-click fix nor is there a comparison. All of my matching issues caused Amazon to reject the images, and so I can’t see the error 8541s, even though Amazon says that it is likely the images didn’t load because of other issues with the SKUs.

So exciting but useless news in practice. Grr.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I would be great if there was a listing tool like this that didn’t require an upload going to drafts first. I would list a lot more products if I could upload an entire csv catalog and scroll down the list clicking the matches. It is scary matching UPC or MFG number and ending up listing on wrong products FIRST, then needing to fix later. Either that or a flag in a listing loader to choose to have EVERY line go into drafts so you can refine from there.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

One of the major issue that has gotten lost at Amazon is that the system ASSUMES the information it has is correct and sets it in stone. Therefore, even if you enter all the PROPER information you will receive an error unless you change your VALUES to match what Amazon has in it’s system even if it is not longer correct or has changed.

Amazon has also removed any possible way of correcting these data errors by taking away Seller Supports ability to do anything and solve cases.

An Image of the item, front & back, with the UPC and a manufacturer link used to be enough to get titles, bullet points and even images corrected…no longer.

In Health & beauty: product packaging can change every few years and not having the ability to update images causes many customer complaints of “that’s not what I ordered”. When it actually is but Amazon is showing a 5 year old image can’t be updated.

Helping to match items is great but having the ability to update & maintain listings should be right up there with the most important issues that effect sellers.

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Solve product matching issues with Products Reconciliation

List your products in the Amazon store using Products Reconciliation, a new tool that helps you compare your product listing with existing products in the Amazon catalog for the same product identifier and solve matching issues in attributes with just one click.

For the list of products affected by conflicting information, go to Seller Central > Catalog > Complete your Drafts. On the Fix your Products page, select Incomplete listings, and click Matching Reconciliation conflicts.

For more information, go to Error 8541.

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Tags:News and Announcements
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Solve product matching issues with Products Reconciliation

List your products in the Amazon store using Products Reconciliation, a new tool that helps you compare your product listing with existing products in the Amazon catalog for the same product identifier and solve matching issues in attributes with just one click.

For the list of products affected by conflicting information, go to Seller Central > Catalog > Complete your Drafts. On the Fix your Products page, select Incomplete listings, and click Matching Reconciliation conflicts.

For more information, go to Error 8541.

Tags:News and Announcements
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Solve product matching issues with Products Reconciliation

by News_Amazon

List your products in the Amazon store using Products Reconciliation, a new tool that helps you compare your product listing with existing products in the Amazon catalog for the same product identifier and solve matching issues in attributes with just one click.

For the list of products affected by conflicting information, go to Seller Central > Catalog > Complete your Drafts. On the Fix your Products page, select Incomplete listings, and click Matching Reconciliation conflicts.

For more information, go to Error 8541.

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So when I initially read this, I was excited, because I’ve been plagued with matching issues.

I went where I was told to go, and was looking at all the listings with Matching Reconciliation conflicts. I learned that there isn’t a one-click fix nor is there a comparison. All of my matching issues caused Amazon to reject the images, and so I can’t see the error 8541s, even though Amazon says that it is likely the images didn’t load because of other issues with the SKUs.

So exciting but useless news in practice. Grr.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I would be great if there was a listing tool like this that didn’t require an upload going to drafts first. I would list a lot more products if I could upload an entire csv catalog and scroll down the list clicking the matches. It is scary matching UPC or MFG number and ending up listing on wrong products FIRST, then needing to fix later. Either that or a flag in a listing loader to choose to have EVERY line go into drafts so you can refine from there.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

One of the major issue that has gotten lost at Amazon is that the system ASSUMES the information it has is correct and sets it in stone. Therefore, even if you enter all the PROPER information you will receive an error unless you change your VALUES to match what Amazon has in it’s system even if it is not longer correct or has changed.

Amazon has also removed any possible way of correcting these data errors by taking away Seller Supports ability to do anything and solve cases.

An Image of the item, front & back, with the UPC and a manufacturer link used to be enough to get titles, bullet points and even images corrected…no longer.

In Health & beauty: product packaging can change every few years and not having the ability to update images causes many customer complaints of “that’s not what I ordered”. When it actually is but Amazon is showing a 5 year old image can’t be updated.

Helping to match items is great but having the ability to update & maintain listings should be right up there with the most important issues that effect sellers.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So when I initially read this, I was excited, because I’ve been plagued with matching issues.

I went where I was told to go, and was looking at all the listings with Matching Reconciliation conflicts. I learned that there isn’t a one-click fix nor is there a comparison. All of my matching issues caused Amazon to reject the images, and so I can’t see the error 8541s, even though Amazon says that it is likely the images didn’t load because of other issues with the SKUs.

So exciting but useless news in practice. Grr.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So when I initially read this, I was excited, because I’ve been plagued with matching issues.

I went where I was told to go, and was looking at all the listings with Matching Reconciliation conflicts. I learned that there isn’t a one-click fix nor is there a comparison. All of my matching issues caused Amazon to reject the images, and so I can’t see the error 8541s, even though Amazon says that it is likely the images didn’t load because of other issues with the SKUs.

So exciting but useless news in practice. Grr.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I would be great if there was a listing tool like this that didn’t require an upload going to drafts first. I would list a lot more products if I could upload an entire csv catalog and scroll down the list clicking the matches. It is scary matching UPC or MFG number and ending up listing on wrong products FIRST, then needing to fix later. Either that or a flag in a listing loader to choose to have EVERY line go into drafts so you can refine from there.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I would be great if there was a listing tool like this that didn’t require an upload going to drafts first. I would list a lot more products if I could upload an entire csv catalog and scroll down the list clicking the matches. It is scary matching UPC or MFG number and ending up listing on wrong products FIRST, then needing to fix later. Either that or a flag in a listing loader to choose to have EVERY line go into drafts so you can refine from there.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

One of the major issue that has gotten lost at Amazon is that the system ASSUMES the information it has is correct and sets it in stone. Therefore, even if you enter all the PROPER information you will receive an error unless you change your VALUES to match what Amazon has in it’s system even if it is not longer correct or has changed.

Amazon has also removed any possible way of correcting these data errors by taking away Seller Supports ability to do anything and solve cases.

An Image of the item, front & back, with the UPC and a manufacturer link used to be enough to get titles, bullet points and even images corrected…no longer.

In Health & beauty: product packaging can change every few years and not having the ability to update images causes many customer complaints of “that’s not what I ordered”. When it actually is but Amazon is showing a 5 year old image can’t be updated.

Helping to match items is great but having the ability to update & maintain listings should be right up there with the most important issues that effect sellers.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

One of the major issue that has gotten lost at Amazon is that the system ASSUMES the information it has is correct and sets it in stone. Therefore, even if you enter all the PROPER information you will receive an error unless you change your VALUES to match what Amazon has in it’s system even if it is not longer correct or has changed.

Amazon has also removed any possible way of correcting these data errors by taking away Seller Supports ability to do anything and solve cases.

An Image of the item, front & back, with the UPC and a manufacturer link used to be enough to get titles, bullet points and even images corrected…no longer.

In Health & beauty: product packaging can change every few years and not having the ability to update images causes many customer complaints of “that’s not what I ordered”. When it actually is but Amazon is showing a 5 year old image can’t be updated.

Helping to match items is great but having the ability to update & maintain listings should be right up there with the most important issues that effect sellers.

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