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Product Title - Approved Length

Via tons of research on Forums and Google searches, I am finding conflicting information on the approved product title length. I have seen 250, 80 and 60. I may not have searched correctly but I have yet to find an Amazon sponsored page or representative stating exactly how many characters I can have in a product title in the Home & Kitchen > Prints & Posters category.

I am a Pro Seller (no postings yet). I am not a Brand or any other special Amazon level seller that may have special exemptions.

When I try to learn via other listings, I find many that have longer titles and many that use keywords.
Example: “Innocence 11"x14" Wall Art Print Jesus Christ Holding Child by David Bowman Religious Spiritual Christian Fine Art” (114 characters and spaces). Plus, note the keywords: Religious, Spiritual, Christian, etc. This particular example is not from a major seller.

There are a boat load of titles found, such as the example above, when I search for religious art on Amazon.

Anyway, I will be posting 1000s of listings so I want to make sure my titles are perfect and adhering to all Amazon policies. However, I have some titles, without any keywords included, that are lengthy.

Example: “Trinity Stores Wall Frame Silver Flat-18x22 Stations of the Cross - 4 Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother by Br. Mickey McGrath, OSFS” (130 characters and spaces)

Most all of my titles are in the 80 to 110 character range. Every word in my example title is rather important as it identifies the exact product type and size and the exact artwork title and artist name.

I suppose I could abbreviate “Stations of the Cross” to “Sta. of Cross.” I suppose I could leave out the very important artist name and move that to the search field instead. The resulting title would read: "Trinity Stores Wall Frame Silver Flat-18x22 Sta. of Cross - 4 Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother” (still 94 characters and spaces).

If I can get a clear and definitive Amazon approved answer to the limit of characters in my titles, I can start editing 1000s of them as required. I just do not know how I can leave out important words such as product name, artwork name, and artist name.

4 replies
Tags:Keywords, Search
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Product Title - Approved Length

Via tons of research on Forums and Google searches, I am finding conflicting information on the approved product title length. I have seen 250, 80 and 60. I may not have searched correctly but I have yet to find an Amazon sponsored page or representative stating exactly how many characters I can have in a product title in the Home & Kitchen > Prints & Posters category.

I am a Pro Seller (no postings yet). I am not a Brand or any other special Amazon level seller that may have special exemptions.

When I try to learn via other listings, I find many that have longer titles and many that use keywords.
Example: “Innocence 11"x14" Wall Art Print Jesus Christ Holding Child by David Bowman Religious Spiritual Christian Fine Art” (114 characters and spaces). Plus, note the keywords: Religious, Spiritual, Christian, etc. This particular example is not from a major seller.

There are a boat load of titles found, such as the example above, when I search for religious art on Amazon.

Anyway, I will be posting 1000s of listings so I want to make sure my titles are perfect and adhering to all Amazon policies. However, I have some titles, without any keywords included, that are lengthy.

Example: “Trinity Stores Wall Frame Silver Flat-18x22 Stations of the Cross - 4 Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother by Br. Mickey McGrath, OSFS” (130 characters and spaces)

Most all of my titles are in the 80 to 110 character range. Every word in my example title is rather important as it identifies the exact product type and size and the exact artwork title and artist name.

I suppose I could abbreviate “Stations of the Cross” to “Sta. of Cross.” I suppose I could leave out the very important artist name and move that to the search field instead. The resulting title would read: "Trinity Stores Wall Frame Silver Flat-18x22 Sta. of Cross - 4 Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother” (still 94 characters and spaces).

If I can get a clear and definitive Amazon approved answer to the limit of characters in my titles, I can start editing 1000s of them as required. I just do not know how I can leave out important words such as product name, artwork name, and artist name.

Tags:Keywords, Search
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Have you checked with Amazon:


Used as part of DescriptionData; contains the title or name of the product.

Required: Yes
Type: Alphanumeric string
Minimum Length: 1
Maximum Length: 200
user profile

50 for FBA (with exceptions for certain categories) and between 80 and 200 for FBM (see specific categories).

FBA Product Title Requirements

(FBM) Product detail page rules

Amazon backend keywords, are 249 bytes.

user profile

Thanks so much M-L-H and Rushdie.

I have seen these pages that you kindly referenced and I am hoping and praying the 200 character limit is the true answer. Not sure why there are many posts that refer to 80 and others that refer to Amazon “suppressing” or even suspending those with longer titles.

Even one of the links Rushdie provided states:
Product title guidelines
Length: Use 50 characters maximum as a general rule.
However some product categories allow longer titles, so be sure to follow category-specific instructions.

“category-specific instructions” is a link to several categories (Baby category Clothing, Accessories, & Luggage Consumer Electronics Fine Art Lighting Tools & Home Improvement Success Factors on Jewelry) none of which pertain to me.

I am a Pro Seller FBM in Home and Kitchen > Posters & Prints.

user profile

Good rule of thumb, Less is better. Longer looks bad and looks like you are trying to spam.

Think about it like a news article headline.

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Product Title - Approved Length

Via tons of research on Forums and Google searches, I am finding conflicting information on the approved product title length. I have seen 250, 80 and 60. I may not have searched correctly but I have yet to find an Amazon sponsored page or representative stating exactly how many characters I can have in a product title in the Home & Kitchen > Prints & Posters category.

I am a Pro Seller (no postings yet). I am not a Brand or any other special Amazon level seller that may have special exemptions.

When I try to learn via other listings, I find many that have longer titles and many that use keywords.
Example: “Innocence 11"x14" Wall Art Print Jesus Christ Holding Child by David Bowman Religious Spiritual Christian Fine Art” (114 characters and spaces). Plus, note the keywords: Religious, Spiritual, Christian, etc. This particular example is not from a major seller.

There are a boat load of titles found, such as the example above, when I search for religious art on Amazon.

Anyway, I will be posting 1000s of listings so I want to make sure my titles are perfect and adhering to all Amazon policies. However, I have some titles, without any keywords included, that are lengthy.

Example: “Trinity Stores Wall Frame Silver Flat-18x22 Stations of the Cross - 4 Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother by Br. Mickey McGrath, OSFS” (130 characters and spaces)

Most all of my titles are in the 80 to 110 character range. Every word in my example title is rather important as it identifies the exact product type and size and the exact artwork title and artist name.

I suppose I could abbreviate “Stations of the Cross” to “Sta. of Cross.” I suppose I could leave out the very important artist name and move that to the search field instead. The resulting title would read: "Trinity Stores Wall Frame Silver Flat-18x22 Sta. of Cross - 4 Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother” (still 94 characters and spaces).

If I can get a clear and definitive Amazon approved answer to the limit of characters in my titles, I can start editing 1000s of them as required. I just do not know how I can leave out important words such as product name, artwork name, and artist name.

4 replies
Tags:Keywords, Search
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Product Title - Approved Length

Via tons of research on Forums and Google searches, I am finding conflicting information on the approved product title length. I have seen 250, 80 and 60. I may not have searched correctly but I have yet to find an Amazon sponsored page or representative stating exactly how many characters I can have in a product title in the Home & Kitchen > Prints & Posters category.

I am a Pro Seller (no postings yet). I am not a Brand or any other special Amazon level seller that may have special exemptions.

When I try to learn via other listings, I find many that have longer titles and many that use keywords.
Example: “Innocence 11"x14" Wall Art Print Jesus Christ Holding Child by David Bowman Religious Spiritual Christian Fine Art” (114 characters and spaces). Plus, note the keywords: Religious, Spiritual, Christian, etc. This particular example is not from a major seller.

There are a boat load of titles found, such as the example above, when I search for religious art on Amazon.

Anyway, I will be posting 1000s of listings so I want to make sure my titles are perfect and adhering to all Amazon policies. However, I have some titles, without any keywords included, that are lengthy.

Example: “Trinity Stores Wall Frame Silver Flat-18x22 Stations of the Cross - 4 Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother by Br. Mickey McGrath, OSFS” (130 characters and spaces)

Most all of my titles are in the 80 to 110 character range. Every word in my example title is rather important as it identifies the exact product type and size and the exact artwork title and artist name.

I suppose I could abbreviate “Stations of the Cross” to “Sta. of Cross.” I suppose I could leave out the very important artist name and move that to the search field instead. The resulting title would read: "Trinity Stores Wall Frame Silver Flat-18x22 Sta. of Cross - 4 Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother” (still 94 characters and spaces).

If I can get a clear and definitive Amazon approved answer to the limit of characters in my titles, I can start editing 1000s of them as required. I just do not know how I can leave out important words such as product name, artwork name, and artist name.

Tags:Keywords, Search
4 replies
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Product Title - Approved Length

by Seller_W4cZlmMfCjFV5

Via tons of research on Forums and Google searches, I am finding conflicting information on the approved product title length. I have seen 250, 80 and 60. I may not have searched correctly but I have yet to find an Amazon sponsored page or representative stating exactly how many characters I can have in a product title in the Home & Kitchen > Prints & Posters category.

I am a Pro Seller (no postings yet). I am not a Brand or any other special Amazon level seller that may have special exemptions.

When I try to learn via other listings, I find many that have longer titles and many that use keywords.
Example: “Innocence 11"x14" Wall Art Print Jesus Christ Holding Child by David Bowman Religious Spiritual Christian Fine Art” (114 characters and spaces). Plus, note the keywords: Religious, Spiritual, Christian, etc. This particular example is not from a major seller.

There are a boat load of titles found, such as the example above, when I search for religious art on Amazon.

Anyway, I will be posting 1000s of listings so I want to make sure my titles are perfect and adhering to all Amazon policies. However, I have some titles, without any keywords included, that are lengthy.

Example: “Trinity Stores Wall Frame Silver Flat-18x22 Stations of the Cross - 4 Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother by Br. Mickey McGrath, OSFS” (130 characters and spaces)

Most all of my titles are in the 80 to 110 character range. Every word in my example title is rather important as it identifies the exact product type and size and the exact artwork title and artist name.

I suppose I could abbreviate “Stations of the Cross” to “Sta. of Cross.” I suppose I could leave out the very important artist name and move that to the search field instead. The resulting title would read: "Trinity Stores Wall Frame Silver Flat-18x22 Sta. of Cross - 4 Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother” (still 94 characters and spaces).

If I can get a clear and definitive Amazon approved answer to the limit of characters in my titles, I can start editing 1000s of them as required. I just do not know how I can leave out important words such as product name, artwork name, and artist name.

Tags:Keywords, Search
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Have you checked with Amazon:


Used as part of DescriptionData; contains the title or name of the product.

Required: Yes
Type: Alphanumeric string
Minimum Length: 1
Maximum Length: 200
user profile

50 for FBA (with exceptions for certain categories) and between 80 and 200 for FBM (see specific categories).

FBA Product Title Requirements

(FBM) Product detail page rules

Amazon backend keywords, are 249 bytes.

user profile

Thanks so much M-L-H and Rushdie.

I have seen these pages that you kindly referenced and I am hoping and praying the 200 character limit is the true answer. Not sure why there are many posts that refer to 80 and others that refer to Amazon “suppressing” or even suspending those with longer titles.

Even one of the links Rushdie provided states:
Product title guidelines
Length: Use 50 characters maximum as a general rule.
However some product categories allow longer titles, so be sure to follow category-specific instructions.

“category-specific instructions” is a link to several categories (Baby category Clothing, Accessories, & Luggage Consumer Electronics Fine Art Lighting Tools & Home Improvement Success Factors on Jewelry) none of which pertain to me.

I am a Pro Seller FBM in Home and Kitchen > Posters & Prints.

user profile

Good rule of thumb, Less is better. Longer looks bad and looks like you are trying to spam.

Think about it like a news article headline.

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Have you checked with Amazon:


Used as part of DescriptionData; contains the title or name of the product.

Required: Yes
Type: Alphanumeric string
Minimum Length: 1
Maximum Length: 200
user profile

Have you checked with Amazon:


Used as part of DescriptionData; contains the title or name of the product.

Required: Yes
Type: Alphanumeric string
Minimum Length: 1
Maximum Length: 200
user profile

50 for FBA (with exceptions for certain categories) and between 80 and 200 for FBM (see specific categories).

FBA Product Title Requirements

(FBM) Product detail page rules

Amazon backend keywords, are 249 bytes.

user profile

50 for FBA (with exceptions for certain categories) and between 80 and 200 for FBM (see specific categories).

FBA Product Title Requirements

(FBM) Product detail page rules

Amazon backend keywords, are 249 bytes.

user profile

Thanks so much M-L-H and Rushdie.

I have seen these pages that you kindly referenced and I am hoping and praying the 200 character limit is the true answer. Not sure why there are many posts that refer to 80 and others that refer to Amazon “suppressing” or even suspending those with longer titles.

Even one of the links Rushdie provided states:
Product title guidelines
Length: Use 50 characters maximum as a general rule.
However some product categories allow longer titles, so be sure to follow category-specific instructions.

“category-specific instructions” is a link to several categories (Baby category Clothing, Accessories, & Luggage Consumer Electronics Fine Art Lighting Tools & Home Improvement Success Factors on Jewelry) none of which pertain to me.

I am a Pro Seller FBM in Home and Kitchen > Posters & Prints.

user profile

Thanks so much M-L-H and Rushdie.

I have seen these pages that you kindly referenced and I am hoping and praying the 200 character limit is the true answer. Not sure why there are many posts that refer to 80 and others that refer to Amazon “suppressing” or even suspending those with longer titles.

Even one of the links Rushdie provided states:
Product title guidelines
Length: Use 50 characters maximum as a general rule.
However some product categories allow longer titles, so be sure to follow category-specific instructions.

“category-specific instructions” is a link to several categories (Baby category Clothing, Accessories, & Luggage Consumer Electronics Fine Art Lighting Tools & Home Improvement Success Factors on Jewelry) none of which pertain to me.

I am a Pro Seller FBM in Home and Kitchen > Posters & Prints.

user profile

Good rule of thumb, Less is better. Longer looks bad and looks like you are trying to spam.

Think about it like a news article headline.

user profile

Good rule of thumb, Less is better. Longer looks bad and looks like you are trying to spam.

Think about it like a news article headline.

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