Pennsylvania automatic marketplace sales tax - starts 4/1
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Pennsylvania automatic marketplace sales tax - starts 4/1

Just noticed this on the Amazon page
Marketplace Tax Collection FAQ

Be prepared for Pennsylvania to join Washington in marketplace tax collection for all FBM and FBA sales starting 4/1/18.


Pennsylvania marketplace sales tax

74 replies
74 replies
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It would make it so much easier on all sellers if Amazon would just do this for all states.

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Way to go… just 50 more states to go!

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Works for me, way smarter than having all us file our own returns for those states. (if it ever came to that)

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So, NY and PA are the only states we currently collect sales tax and file ourselves. Would this change mean I don’t need to collect and report sales tax for PA from Amazon anymore?

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This is such a mess–the Constitution says only the Federal government can make laws governing interstate trade, yet states are usurping this greedily. What happens with items not taxed in one state? What about those who have tax exempt certificates? For example, coins are tax exempt in Indiana, but if they are sold elsewhere, are they taxed? Who tracks that? I have no control over where my items are sent, but Amazon says they are not the seller. How do I know that an item I sent in is really fulfilled from X center? South Dakota vs. Quill found that we have to have nexus, yet this eliminates the need for nexus (current ruling 10,000 in sales+physical presence). I’m all for streamlining things, but adding this onerous burden to sellers (and which county gets the tax? Do I need to track 50 states x thousands of counties x XXX purchases? Don’t just tell me about the solutions available like TaxJar…I think this is going to be messy for a long time because there will be court challenges.

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What happens for sellers who already collect sales tax in these states where Amazon begins to perform automatic collection?

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Im located in Pa so this would make it a lot easier on me , but I do not believe any state should be allowed to collect the tax for something only imported into the state from a seller not located their as they are changing the sales tax to a privilege tax.
Our country is so corrupt and gives away money to everyone then over taxes the people and businesses . They need to learn to live with in their budget as we have to and not just taking more and spending unlimited amounts . (in my opinion)

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What a surprise. Our revenue addicted governor soaking us for more money, because he just can’t seem to get the state worker’s pension fund solvent, all the while how he goes and says that its to fix our crumbling infrastructure. What a crock!

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We can only hope that other states follow suit. It makes so much more sense for Amazon to process and submit taxes on sales directly as opposed to making millions of small sellers submit dozens of sales tax forms. It not only insures that the states get their money but it also saves them the time and costs associated with processing hundreds of thousands of tax filings, locating non-filers and trying to enforce taxation on sellers in other states.

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My question is whether Amazon understands what they should or should not be collecting sales tax on? I sell sewing patterns and only certain ones incur PA sales Tax. So what, is Amazon going to slam sales tax on the ones that aren’t supposed to be taxed? I have always paid the sales tax that should have been collected, as it is too confusing to expect most computers to deal with it, especially ones that belong to Amazon and if they are charging by inventory category. I’m sure that people will be charged for items that they shouldn’t or not charged for things that they should. Even cashiers at thrift stores don’t seem to understand the sales tax question for what they sale and if I buy a taxable pattern at the fabric store, no tax is charged. If the stores here in PA get it all confused, then how are some IT guys in CA going to program the computers correctly. I can see a big mess coming down the line.


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