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Now brand owners can address critical reviews

Drive brand loyalty and customer engagement by responding to customer reviews with three or less stars. Brand owners can reach out to customers who have left critical reviews on their products with courtesy refunds or provide support directly through the Customer Reviews feature in Seller Central. Customer Reviews is available to brand owners under Brands tab on Seller Central.

Only a primary account holder can access Customer Reviews. If you are a secondary account user, reach out to the primary account holder to request permissions though Settings > User Permissions > Manage Permissions > Advertising > Customer Reviews.

To learn more about the Customer Reviews, go to our How to use the Customer Reviews tool.

For more information, go to Customer Reviews.

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Tags:News and Announcements
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Now brand owners can address critical reviews

Drive brand loyalty and customer engagement by responding to customer reviews with three or less stars. Brand owners can reach out to customers who have left critical reviews on their products with courtesy refunds or provide support directly through the Customer Reviews feature in Seller Central. Customer Reviews is available to brand owners under Brands tab on Seller Central.

Only a primary account holder can access Customer Reviews. If you are a secondary account user, reach out to the primary account holder to request permissions though Settings > User Permissions > Manage Permissions > Advertising > Customer Reviews.

To learn more about the Customer Reviews, go to our How to use the Customer Reviews tool.

For more information, go to Customer Reviews.

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Not partial but a full refund, according to the link above.

Just wait till this news reaches those YouTubers or Facebook groups that teach people how to get free products on Amazon…:woman_facepalming:

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Courtesy refunds ?!?? You’re kidding me, right? A FULL refund for the cherry on top. :man_facepalming:

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

We’ve been using this feature for months, whats funny is you can pinpoint the paid fake reviews by a long shot with this feature, and I am going to tell you how. We will always send the boiler plate email that amazon allows with this feature to the customers who give 3 stars or less which offers to fix the issue they are having with the product or offer a full refund.

In the plainly obvious fake paid reviews the person won’t answer at all because they know what they did was malicious. If a genuine customer was having difficulty with a product and the company who manufactures and sells it reaches out to help them with it why else would they not answer at all? Guilty Conscious says it all.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I am not sure I understand correctly.

We only sell our own custom designed branded products.

We take pride in our products. We only ship what met our high quality standards.

Most, maybe all neg ratings are by customers who did not read what they order. (Item is too heavy and too large. But description says heavy duty extra large.)

Or were meant for a product we do not sell. (Oil leaking all over the box. But we do not sell oil or any liquid…)

We would accommodate any buyer who wants to return something that does not suit their needs. Etc…

But why on earth should we refund a customer who never contacted us and already left an unfair negative review?


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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

We’ve been able to contact customers who left reviews for quite some time… Bring back the feature where we can reply to reviews publicly. Please and thanks!

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I was thinking all right. A way to combat all the fake and bad reviews.

How can five people buy one of our seed variety, plant them and have no problems. But then there is one who will have a problem.

And then I read Amazon wants me to give them a refund.

Heck, I will post a bad review just so I can get a refund.

Who thinks this stuff up?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This is a good feature for improving customer service, while protecting customers from abusive sellers.

But please bring back comments on reviews. This let’s customers engage with the community and resolve questions. There is low risk of seller abuse. It lets sellers respond to confusing and misleading reviews.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I prefer the option to post a PUBLIC reply on product reviews exactly as we have on feedback. I know we could reply in the past and it was discontinued, but the reply was hidden. That was useless. The way that we have available on feedback would be fair for brand owners to fight back against fake or malicious product reviews. We deserve the right to give a proper answer. Customers are not always right.
We must stop spoiling bad behavior. Amazon will create the worst customers this way.

One last note: I can’t see buyers that let 1 star review and no comment.

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Now brand owners can address critical reviews

Drive brand loyalty and customer engagement by responding to customer reviews with three or less stars. Brand owners can reach out to customers who have left critical reviews on their products with courtesy refunds or provide support directly through the Customer Reviews feature in Seller Central. Customer Reviews is available to brand owners under Brands tab on Seller Central.

Only a primary account holder can access Customer Reviews. If you are a secondary account user, reach out to the primary account holder to request permissions though Settings > User Permissions > Manage Permissions > Advertising > Customer Reviews.

To learn more about the Customer Reviews, go to our How to use the Customer Reviews tool.

For more information, go to Customer Reviews.

112 replies
Tags:News and Announcements
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Now brand owners can address critical reviews

Drive brand loyalty and customer engagement by responding to customer reviews with three or less stars. Brand owners can reach out to customers who have left critical reviews on their products with courtesy refunds or provide support directly through the Customer Reviews feature in Seller Central. Customer Reviews is available to brand owners under Brands tab on Seller Central.

Only a primary account holder can access Customer Reviews. If you are a secondary account user, reach out to the primary account holder to request permissions though Settings > User Permissions > Manage Permissions > Advertising > Customer Reviews.

To learn more about the Customer Reviews, go to our How to use the Customer Reviews tool.

For more information, go to Customer Reviews.

Tags:News and Announcements
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Now brand owners can address critical reviews

by News_Amazon

Drive brand loyalty and customer engagement by responding to customer reviews with three or less stars. Brand owners can reach out to customers who have left critical reviews on their products with courtesy refunds or provide support directly through the Customer Reviews feature in Seller Central. Customer Reviews is available to brand owners under Brands tab on Seller Central.

Only a primary account holder can access Customer Reviews. If you are a secondary account user, reach out to the primary account holder to request permissions though Settings > User Permissions > Manage Permissions > Advertising > Customer Reviews.

To learn more about the Customer Reviews, go to our How to use the Customer Reviews tool.

For more information, go to Customer Reviews.

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Not partial but a full refund, according to the link above.

Just wait till this news reaches those YouTubers or Facebook groups that teach people how to get free products on Amazon…:woman_facepalming:

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Courtesy refunds ?!?? You’re kidding me, right? A FULL refund for the cherry on top. :man_facepalming:

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

We’ve been using this feature for months, whats funny is you can pinpoint the paid fake reviews by a long shot with this feature, and I am going to tell you how. We will always send the boiler plate email that amazon allows with this feature to the customers who give 3 stars or less which offers to fix the issue they are having with the product or offer a full refund.

In the plainly obvious fake paid reviews the person won’t answer at all because they know what they did was malicious. If a genuine customer was having difficulty with a product and the company who manufactures and sells it reaches out to help them with it why else would they not answer at all? Guilty Conscious says it all.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I am not sure I understand correctly.

We only sell our own custom designed branded products.

We take pride in our products. We only ship what met our high quality standards.

Most, maybe all neg ratings are by customers who did not read what they order. (Item is too heavy and too large. But description says heavy duty extra large.)

Or were meant for a product we do not sell. (Oil leaking all over the box. But we do not sell oil or any liquid…)

We would accommodate any buyer who wants to return something that does not suit their needs. Etc…

But why on earth should we refund a customer who never contacted us and already left an unfair negative review?


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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

We’ve been able to contact customers who left reviews for quite some time… Bring back the feature where we can reply to reviews publicly. Please and thanks!

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I was thinking all right. A way to combat all the fake and bad reviews.

How can five people buy one of our seed variety, plant them and have no problems. But then there is one who will have a problem.

And then I read Amazon wants me to give them a refund.

Heck, I will post a bad review just so I can get a refund.

Who thinks this stuff up?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This is a good feature for improving customer service, while protecting customers from abusive sellers.

But please bring back comments on reviews. This let’s customers engage with the community and resolve questions. There is low risk of seller abuse. It lets sellers respond to confusing and misleading reviews.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I prefer the option to post a PUBLIC reply on product reviews exactly as we have on feedback. I know we could reply in the past and it was discontinued, but the reply was hidden. That was useless. The way that we have available on feedback would be fair for brand owners to fight back against fake or malicious product reviews. We deserve the right to give a proper answer. Customers are not always right.
We must stop spoiling bad behavior. Amazon will create the worst customers this way.

One last note: I can’t see buyers that let 1 star review and no comment.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Not partial but a full refund, according to the link above.

Just wait till this news reaches those YouTubers or Facebook groups that teach people how to get free products on Amazon…:woman_facepalming:

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Not partial but a full refund, according to the link above.

Just wait till this news reaches those YouTubers or Facebook groups that teach people how to get free products on Amazon…:woman_facepalming:

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Courtesy refunds ?!?? You’re kidding me, right? A FULL refund for the cherry on top. :man_facepalming:

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Courtesy refunds ?!?? You’re kidding me, right? A FULL refund for the cherry on top. :man_facepalming:

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

We’ve been using this feature for months, whats funny is you can pinpoint the paid fake reviews by a long shot with this feature, and I am going to tell you how. We will always send the boiler plate email that amazon allows with this feature to the customers who give 3 stars or less which offers to fix the issue they are having with the product or offer a full refund.

In the plainly obvious fake paid reviews the person won’t answer at all because they know what they did was malicious. If a genuine customer was having difficulty with a product and the company who manufactures and sells it reaches out to help them with it why else would they not answer at all? Guilty Conscious says it all.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

We’ve been using this feature for months, whats funny is you can pinpoint the paid fake reviews by a long shot with this feature, and I am going to tell you how. We will always send the boiler plate email that amazon allows with this feature to the customers who give 3 stars or less which offers to fix the issue they are having with the product or offer a full refund.

In the plainly obvious fake paid reviews the person won’t answer at all because they know what they did was malicious. If a genuine customer was having difficulty with a product and the company who manufactures and sells it reaches out to help them with it why else would they not answer at all? Guilty Conscious says it all.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I am not sure I understand correctly.

We only sell our own custom designed branded products.

We take pride in our products. We only ship what met our high quality standards.

Most, maybe all neg ratings are by customers who did not read what they order. (Item is too heavy and too large. But description says heavy duty extra large.)

Or were meant for a product we do not sell. (Oil leaking all over the box. But we do not sell oil or any liquid…)

We would accommodate any buyer who wants to return something that does not suit their needs. Etc…

But why on earth should we refund a customer who never contacted us and already left an unfair negative review?


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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I am not sure I understand correctly.

We only sell our own custom designed branded products.

We take pride in our products. We only ship what met our high quality standards.

Most, maybe all neg ratings are by customers who did not read what they order. (Item is too heavy and too large. But description says heavy duty extra large.)

Or were meant for a product we do not sell. (Oil leaking all over the box. But we do not sell oil or any liquid…)

We would accommodate any buyer who wants to return something that does not suit their needs. Etc…

But why on earth should we refund a customer who never contacted us and already left an unfair negative review?


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In reply to: News_Amazon's post
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

We’ve been able to contact customers who left reviews for quite some time… Bring back the feature where we can reply to reviews publicly. Please and thanks!

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

We’ve been able to contact customers who left reviews for quite some time… Bring back the feature where we can reply to reviews publicly. Please and thanks!

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post
This post has been deleted
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I was thinking all right. A way to combat all the fake and bad reviews.

How can five people buy one of our seed variety, plant them and have no problems. But then there is one who will have a problem.

And then I read Amazon wants me to give them a refund.

Heck, I will post a bad review just so I can get a refund.

Who thinks this stuff up?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I was thinking all right. A way to combat all the fake and bad reviews.

How can five people buy one of our seed variety, plant them and have no problems. But then there is one who will have a problem.

And then I read Amazon wants me to give them a refund.

Heck, I will post a bad review just so I can get a refund.

Who thinks this stuff up?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This is a good feature for improving customer service, while protecting customers from abusive sellers.

But please bring back comments on reviews. This let’s customers engage with the community and resolve questions. There is low risk of seller abuse. It lets sellers respond to confusing and misleading reviews.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This is a good feature for improving customer service, while protecting customers from abusive sellers.

But please bring back comments on reviews. This let’s customers engage with the community and resolve questions. There is low risk of seller abuse. It lets sellers respond to confusing and misleading reviews.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I prefer the option to post a PUBLIC reply on product reviews exactly as we have on feedback. I know we could reply in the past and it was discontinued, but the reply was hidden. That was useless. The way that we have available on feedback would be fair for brand owners to fight back against fake or malicious product reviews. We deserve the right to give a proper answer. Customers are not always right.
We must stop spoiling bad behavior. Amazon will create the worst customers this way.

One last note: I can’t see buyers that let 1 star review and no comment.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I prefer the option to post a PUBLIC reply on product reviews exactly as we have on feedback. I know we could reply in the past and it was discontinued, but the reply was hidden. That was useless. The way that we have available on feedback would be fair for brand owners to fight back against fake or malicious product reviews. We deserve the right to give a proper answer. Customers are not always right.
We must stop spoiling bad behavior. Amazon will create the worst customers this way.

One last note: I can’t see buyers that let 1 star review and no comment.


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