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New MWS error code for non-compliant products lacking compliance documentation

What is changing?

Starting Jan 18, 2022, the following operations will return a PRODUCTASSURANCE_SAFETYDOCUMENTATION error code for non-compliant products that do not have safety compliance documentation:

  • CreateInboundShipmentPlan
  • CreateInboundShipment
  • UpdateInboundShipment
  • PreviewItemEligibility

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to US and CA marketplaces.

Who is affected?

Developers with applications in marketplaces that create FBA inbound shipment plans and FBA inbound shipments.

What action is required?

If you have an application that is affected by this change:

Expose the new error messages to sellers creating inbound shipment plans or inbound shipments without providing safety compliance documentation for ASINs that require it.

For more information

For more information see US and CA in the Seller Central Help.

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New MWS error code for non-compliant products lacking compliance documentation

What is changing?

Starting Jan 18, 2022, the following operations will return a PRODUCTASSURANCE_SAFETYDOCUMENTATION error code for non-compliant products that do not have safety compliance documentation:

  • CreateInboundShipmentPlan
  • CreateInboundShipment
  • UpdateInboundShipment
  • PreviewItemEligibility

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to US and CA marketplaces.

Who is affected?

Developers with applications in marketplaces that create FBA inbound shipment plans and FBA inbound shipments.

What action is required?

If you have an application that is affected by this change:

Expose the new error messages to sellers creating inbound shipment plans or inbound shipments without providing safety compliance documentation for ASINs that require it.

For more information

For more information see US and CA in the Seller Central Help.

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New MWS error code for non-compliant products lacking compliance documentation

by Jack_Amazon

What is changing?

Starting Jan 18, 2022, the following operations will return a PRODUCTASSURANCE_SAFETYDOCUMENTATION error code for non-compliant products that do not have safety compliance documentation:

  • CreateInboundShipmentPlan
  • CreateInboundShipment
  • UpdateInboundShipment
  • PreviewItemEligibility

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to US and CA marketplaces.

Who is affected?

Developers with applications in marketplaces that create FBA inbound shipment plans and FBA inbound shipments.

What action is required?

If you have an application that is affected by this change:

Expose the new error messages to sellers creating inbound shipment plans or inbound shipments without providing safety compliance documentation for ASINs that require it.

For more information

For more information see US and CA in the Seller Central Help.

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