Who’s going to be the first guy to buy one and return their old rust bucket for a full refund?
I want to see the 1st “Item Not Received” claim on that bad boy…and how support will react. You’ll see some fireworks @ the dealership when amazon grants the customers claim. These dealerships have NO CLUE what they are getting themselves into - LOL!
I already ordered 16 units. One of each color. I will give them away as presents to my freinds…
So I just ordered this car recently. I NEVER GOT IT even though it says delivered trust me I never got it. I’d like a full refund PLUS a free car. Thank you. - Your Favorite Amazon Customa
I ordered one, complained about the authenticity, and customer service issued me a full refund and told me to keep it. I love Amazon!!!
Wait till the Chinese hijack that listing!
Order with Amazon prime and return it every 30 days.
New car every 30 days
Anybody going to dropship this? LOL