Local Delivery Only
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Local Delivery Only

How can we enforce local delivery & local selling only?

We want to offer Free Returns however we can only do this within our local market where we can send someone out to collect the product.

Mattresses cant be returned via normal means once they are un-packaged.

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Tags:Seller Support
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Amazon does not have this option. You have to provide delivery to to the lower 48 at a minimum.

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Are we able to limit returns for opened packaging?

Were trying to see how we can handle this since no national carrier will haul Mattresses fully expanded.

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Amazon is not a good marketplace for selling items for pickup or local delivery. If you do not have tracking when you sell an item, a customer can simply claim item not received and you have no acceptable proof of shipment or delivery to counter that claim. This means Amazon will refund the customer all money paid and they will get to keep the product (that they supposedly did not receive). This is all at you expense and will affect your ODR metric.

Your best bet for selling locally is to use local sales channels. But certainly not Amazon.

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