Make no mistake, I am a very hard working person and am more than willing to put in the work to make this work even if there is a small chance of success. Otherwise, there are many other opportunities for business success outside of Amazon. I have been drowning in fees as of late, and have recently decided on a new product that I’ll begin selling in a week or two. Is it worth not giving up? If the best success I can have on Amazon is simply making minimum wage at best, it is not worth it. The only scenario that makes Amazon worth it in my eyes is if my constant (not 9-5, but always) hard work could pay off into not just being a good pay, but a great one. One that would allow me to expand my business and potentially hire others to help it grow.
Is this even plausible or am I delusional here? I really am looking to know if it is worth staying in for the long haul, or if I should move on to another venture.
In conclusion, let me clarify that I understand that success takes time, and I am more than willing to wait as long as it takes, work as hard as it takes, and do what it takes…however, if there is no opportunity for success on Amazon, then I am wasting my time as it will never bear any fruits.
Thank you.
Make no mistake, I am a very hard working person and am more than willing to put in the work to make this work even if there is a small chance of success. Otherwise, there are many other opportunities for business success outside of Amazon. I have been drowning in fees as of late, and have recently decided on a new product that I’ll begin selling in a week or two. Is it worth not giving up? If the best success I can have on Amazon is simply making minimum wage at best, it is not worth it. The only scenario that makes Amazon worth it in my eyes is if my constant (not 9-5, but always) hard work could pay off into not just being a good pay, but a great one. One that would allow me to expand my business and potentially hire others to help it grow.
Is this even plausible or am I delusional here? I really am looking to know if it is worth staying in for the long haul, or if I should move on to another venture.
In conclusion, let me clarify that I understand that success takes time, and I am more than willing to wait as long as it takes, work as hard as it takes, and do what it takes…however, if there is no opportunity for success on Amazon, then I am wasting my time as it will never bear any fruits.
Thank you.
Depends on the product and of course your selling price. Selling $3.00 items will never pay off. We sell professional books and have found AMAZON to be a great source of income.
>…however, if there is no opportunity for success on Amazon, then I am wasting my time as it will never bear >any fruits.
You must realize this market place is HYPER-SATURATED with sellers.
What this means is your piece of the pie shrinks by the HOUR, at this point in time your piece of the pie is sliced so thin it is now translucent.
In my opinion, no.
Their are so many issues with this site, I just left you with the most general and obvious.
I can say yes, HOWEVER, it only applies if you violate policy,use black hat or sell stolen goods.
You need to figure out a minimum price that you are willing to accept for your item. If you look through the Amazon catalog, and do a search for what it is that you are selling, you can easily see everyone that is competition with you, and their prices. If you want to jump in with the rest of them, that is your choice - knowing the competition. But, every day, like Skeeter said, there are others jumping into the same boat. Your competitive price may not be the best price tomorrow. As time goes on, your item may be pushed down the ‘line’ so far, that the buyer just doesn’t go to page 2 to look any further than the top guy.
You have to look at what you’re up against to make a good decision.
You MUST try every thing possible, but do so with caution.
In so doing that let science and data be your best friend.
Don’t order a container of private label trinkets with your “brand” on them and hope to get rich, that is a wreck waiting to happen.
Most importantly DO NOT DRINK the on-line Kool-aid, it will not get you any place other than failure.
I almost forgot this,
Selling on the internet is all about:
Monkey-see, Monkey-do, if the monkey you are following is stuck in the mud you will be too…
Think about that one for a while.
Dudes with hot dog trucks can make loot too. But not if they are parked next to 3 other hot dog trucks unless they have a frank that people are dying for and will pay premium price for.
If you are mediocre you can make 5 figures, if you are good you can make 6 figures, and if you are really good you can make 7 figures.
Don’t rely on Amazon as a sole income stream. Its too capricious.
But if you can make a profit with out too much labor, it is always worth it. If you can make $100 a day profit with 2 hours work… why not? I used to sell on Amazon F/T, and it was not worth it. I found a job with a bigger e-commerce company, and now sell less on Amazon, but still get a tidy some for a hour or two of extra work (plus I get to come to forum and annoy people…)
If you are making less then $10 an hour, its not worth it. Flip Burgers…
You don’t mention how long you have been selling on Amazon. You also don’t mention whether it’s part-time or full-time for you. And we don’t know what you’re selling or how much you sell. So, it’s kind of hard to guess. But I will say, you don’t want to be losing money here. That is definitely not worth it.
Also, this platform can be difficult because of the danger of suspension. If your ODR slips for any number of reasons, you could find yourself having to fight to stay on amazon. Too many A to Z claims, late shipping, claims of item not received… and the dreaded “inauthentic” claim.
Do you have backup savings that will cover your business expenses and living expenses if needed for at least six months? Without some sort of security, you’ll always be worrying, and that’s not a good feeling.
If you’re in a position where raising your prices would place you out of the competition for sales, then you have a big problem–unless your product is better than the rest. Someone else noted this already.
Good luck whatever you decide to do.
It’s not fully full time, but I pour a lot of time into it. I do have enough “company” money from the time I ran the business on Ebay left over to take me quite some time, and a full time job. I’m about to begin selling 300 units of 7,8, x iPhone Cases, and I’ve already failed at selling HDMI cables due to the markup being too low. However, I worried I’ve made a mistake going into possibly the most saturated of the most saturated (mobile accessories)
Make no mistake, I am a very hard working person and am more than willing to put in the work to make this work even if there is a small chance of success. Otherwise, there are many other opportunities for business success outside of Amazon. I have been drowning in fees as of late, and have recently decided on a new product that I’ll begin selling in a week or two. Is it worth not giving up? If the best success I can have on Amazon is simply making minimum wage at best, it is not worth it. The only scenario that makes Amazon worth it in my eyes is if my constant (not 9-5, but always) hard work could pay off into not just being a good pay, but a great one. One that would allow me to expand my business and potentially hire others to help it grow.
Is this even plausible or am I delusional here? I really am looking to know if it is worth staying in for the long haul, or if I should move on to another venture.
In conclusion, let me clarify that I understand that success takes time, and I am more than willing to wait as long as it takes, work as hard as it takes, and do what it takes…however, if there is no opportunity for success on Amazon, then I am wasting my time as it will never bear any fruits.
Thank you.
Make no mistake, I am a very hard working person and am more than willing to put in the work to make this work even if there is a small chance of success. Otherwise, there are many other opportunities for business success outside of Amazon. I have been drowning in fees as of late, and have recently decided on a new product that I’ll begin selling in a week or two. Is it worth not giving up? If the best success I can have on Amazon is simply making minimum wage at best, it is not worth it. The only scenario that makes Amazon worth it in my eyes is if my constant (not 9-5, but always) hard work could pay off into not just being a good pay, but a great one. One that would allow me to expand my business and potentially hire others to help it grow.
Is this even plausible or am I delusional here? I really am looking to know if it is worth staying in for the long haul, or if I should move on to another venture.
In conclusion, let me clarify that I understand that success takes time, and I am more than willing to wait as long as it takes, work as hard as it takes, and do what it takes…however, if there is no opportunity for success on Amazon, then I am wasting my time as it will never bear any fruits.
Thank you.
Make no mistake, I am a very hard working person and am more than willing to put in the work to make this work even if there is a small chance of success. Otherwise, there are many other opportunities for business success outside of Amazon. I have been drowning in fees as of late, and have recently decided on a new product that I’ll begin selling in a week or two. Is it worth not giving up? If the best success I can have on Amazon is simply making minimum wage at best, it is not worth it. The only scenario that makes Amazon worth it in my eyes is if my constant (not 9-5, but always) hard work could pay off into not just being a good pay, but a great one. One that would allow me to expand my business and potentially hire others to help it grow.
Is this even plausible or am I delusional here? I really am looking to know if it is worth staying in for the long haul, or if I should move on to another venture.
In conclusion, let me clarify that I understand that success takes time, and I am more than willing to wait as long as it takes, work as hard as it takes, and do what it takes…however, if there is no opportunity for success on Amazon, then I am wasting my time as it will never bear any fruits.
Thank you.
Depends on the product and of course your selling price. Selling $3.00 items will never pay off. We sell professional books and have found AMAZON to be a great source of income.
>…however, if there is no opportunity for success on Amazon, then I am wasting my time as it will never bear >any fruits.
You must realize this market place is HYPER-SATURATED with sellers.
What this means is your piece of the pie shrinks by the HOUR, at this point in time your piece of the pie is sliced so thin it is now translucent.
In my opinion, no.
Their are so many issues with this site, I just left you with the most general and obvious.
I can say yes, HOWEVER, it only applies if you violate policy,use black hat or sell stolen goods.
You need to figure out a minimum price that you are willing to accept for your item. If you look through the Amazon catalog, and do a search for what it is that you are selling, you can easily see everyone that is competition with you, and their prices. If you want to jump in with the rest of them, that is your choice - knowing the competition. But, every day, like Skeeter said, there are others jumping into the same boat. Your competitive price may not be the best price tomorrow. As time goes on, your item may be pushed down the ‘line’ so far, that the buyer just doesn’t go to page 2 to look any further than the top guy.
You have to look at what you’re up against to make a good decision.
You MUST try every thing possible, but do so with caution.
In so doing that let science and data be your best friend.
Don’t order a container of private label trinkets with your “brand” on them and hope to get rich, that is a wreck waiting to happen.
Most importantly DO NOT DRINK the on-line Kool-aid, it will not get you any place other than failure.
I almost forgot this,
Selling on the internet is all about:
Monkey-see, Monkey-do, if the monkey you are following is stuck in the mud you will be too…
Think about that one for a while.
Dudes with hot dog trucks can make loot too. But not if they are parked next to 3 other hot dog trucks unless they have a frank that people are dying for and will pay premium price for.
If you are mediocre you can make 5 figures, if you are good you can make 6 figures, and if you are really good you can make 7 figures.
Don’t rely on Amazon as a sole income stream. Its too capricious.
But if you can make a profit with out too much labor, it is always worth it. If you can make $100 a day profit with 2 hours work… why not? I used to sell on Amazon F/T, and it was not worth it. I found a job with a bigger e-commerce company, and now sell less on Amazon, but still get a tidy some for a hour or two of extra work (plus I get to come to forum and annoy people…)
If you are making less then $10 an hour, its not worth it. Flip Burgers…
You don’t mention how long you have been selling on Amazon. You also don’t mention whether it’s part-time or full-time for you. And we don’t know what you’re selling or how much you sell. So, it’s kind of hard to guess. But I will say, you don’t want to be losing money here. That is definitely not worth it.
Also, this platform can be difficult because of the danger of suspension. If your ODR slips for any number of reasons, you could find yourself having to fight to stay on amazon. Too many A to Z claims, late shipping, claims of item not received… and the dreaded “inauthentic” claim.
Do you have backup savings that will cover your business expenses and living expenses if needed for at least six months? Without some sort of security, you’ll always be worrying, and that’s not a good feeling.
If you’re in a position where raising your prices would place you out of the competition for sales, then you have a big problem–unless your product is better than the rest. Someone else noted this already.
Good luck whatever you decide to do.
It’s not fully full time, but I pour a lot of time into it. I do have enough “company” money from the time I ran the business on Ebay left over to take me quite some time, and a full time job. I’m about to begin selling 300 units of 7,8, x iPhone Cases, and I’ve already failed at selling HDMI cables due to the markup being too low. However, I worried I’ve made a mistake going into possibly the most saturated of the most saturated (mobile accessories)
Depends on the product and of course your selling price. Selling $3.00 items will never pay off. We sell professional books and have found AMAZON to be a great source of income.
Depends on the product and of course your selling price. Selling $3.00 items will never pay off. We sell professional books and have found AMAZON to be a great source of income.
>…however, if there is no opportunity for success on Amazon, then I am wasting my time as it will never bear >any fruits.
You must realize this market place is HYPER-SATURATED with sellers.
What this means is your piece of the pie shrinks by the HOUR, at this point in time your piece of the pie is sliced so thin it is now translucent.
>…however, if there is no opportunity for success on Amazon, then I am wasting my time as it will never bear >any fruits.
You must realize this market place is HYPER-SATURATED with sellers.
What this means is your piece of the pie shrinks by the HOUR, at this point in time your piece of the pie is sliced so thin it is now translucent.
In my opinion, no.
Their are so many issues with this site, I just left you with the most general and obvious.
I can say yes, HOWEVER, it only applies if you violate policy,use black hat or sell stolen goods.
In my opinion, no.
Their are so many issues with this site, I just left you with the most general and obvious.
I can say yes, HOWEVER, it only applies if you violate policy,use black hat or sell stolen goods.
You need to figure out a minimum price that you are willing to accept for your item. If you look through the Amazon catalog, and do a search for what it is that you are selling, you can easily see everyone that is competition with you, and their prices. If you want to jump in with the rest of them, that is your choice - knowing the competition. But, every day, like Skeeter said, there are others jumping into the same boat. Your competitive price may not be the best price tomorrow. As time goes on, your item may be pushed down the ‘line’ so far, that the buyer just doesn’t go to page 2 to look any further than the top guy.
You have to look at what you’re up against to make a good decision.
You need to figure out a minimum price that you are willing to accept for your item. If you look through the Amazon catalog, and do a search for what it is that you are selling, you can easily see everyone that is competition with you, and their prices. If you want to jump in with the rest of them, that is your choice - knowing the competition. But, every day, like Skeeter said, there are others jumping into the same boat. Your competitive price may not be the best price tomorrow. As time goes on, your item may be pushed down the ‘line’ so far, that the buyer just doesn’t go to page 2 to look any further than the top guy.
You have to look at what you’re up against to make a good decision.
You MUST try every thing possible, but do so with caution.
In so doing that let science and data be your best friend.
Don’t order a container of private label trinkets with your “brand” on them and hope to get rich, that is a wreck waiting to happen.
Most importantly DO NOT DRINK the on-line Kool-aid, it will not get you any place other than failure.
I almost forgot this,
Selling on the internet is all about:
Monkey-see, Monkey-do, if the monkey you are following is stuck in the mud you will be too…
Think about that one for a while.
You MUST try every thing possible, but do so with caution.
In so doing that let science and data be your best friend.
Don’t order a container of private label trinkets with your “brand” on them and hope to get rich, that is a wreck waiting to happen.
Most importantly DO NOT DRINK the on-line Kool-aid, it will not get you any place other than failure.
I almost forgot this,
Selling on the internet is all about:
Monkey-see, Monkey-do, if the monkey you are following is stuck in the mud you will be too…
Think about that one for a while.
Dudes with hot dog trucks can make loot too. But not if they are parked next to 3 other hot dog trucks unless they have a frank that people are dying for and will pay premium price for.
Dudes with hot dog trucks can make loot too. But not if they are parked next to 3 other hot dog trucks unless they have a frank that people are dying for and will pay premium price for.
If you are mediocre you can make 5 figures, if you are good you can make 6 figures, and if you are really good you can make 7 figures.
If you are mediocre you can make 5 figures, if you are good you can make 6 figures, and if you are really good you can make 7 figures.
Don’t rely on Amazon as a sole income stream. Its too capricious.
But if you can make a profit with out too much labor, it is always worth it. If you can make $100 a day profit with 2 hours work… why not? I used to sell on Amazon F/T, and it was not worth it. I found a job with a bigger e-commerce company, and now sell less on Amazon, but still get a tidy some for a hour or two of extra work (plus I get to come to forum and annoy people…)
If you are making less then $10 an hour, its not worth it. Flip Burgers…
Don’t rely on Amazon as a sole income stream. Its too capricious.
But if you can make a profit with out too much labor, it is always worth it. If you can make $100 a day profit with 2 hours work… why not? I used to sell on Amazon F/T, and it was not worth it. I found a job with a bigger e-commerce company, and now sell less on Amazon, but still get a tidy some for a hour or two of extra work (plus I get to come to forum and annoy people…)
If you are making less then $10 an hour, its not worth it. Flip Burgers…
You don’t mention how long you have been selling on Amazon. You also don’t mention whether it’s part-time or full-time for you. And we don’t know what you’re selling or how much you sell. So, it’s kind of hard to guess. But I will say, you don’t want to be losing money here. That is definitely not worth it.
Also, this platform can be difficult because of the danger of suspension. If your ODR slips for any number of reasons, you could find yourself having to fight to stay on amazon. Too many A to Z claims, late shipping, claims of item not received… and the dreaded “inauthentic” claim.
Do you have backup savings that will cover your business expenses and living expenses if needed for at least six months? Without some sort of security, you’ll always be worrying, and that’s not a good feeling.
If you’re in a position where raising your prices would place you out of the competition for sales, then you have a big problem–unless your product is better than the rest. Someone else noted this already.
Good luck whatever you decide to do.
You don’t mention how long you have been selling on Amazon. You also don’t mention whether it’s part-time or full-time for you. And we don’t know what you’re selling or how much you sell. So, it’s kind of hard to guess. But I will say, you don’t want to be losing money here. That is definitely not worth it.
Also, this platform can be difficult because of the danger of suspension. If your ODR slips for any number of reasons, you could find yourself having to fight to stay on amazon. Too many A to Z claims, late shipping, claims of item not received… and the dreaded “inauthentic” claim.
Do you have backup savings that will cover your business expenses and living expenses if needed for at least six months? Without some sort of security, you’ll always be worrying, and that’s not a good feeling.
If you’re in a position where raising your prices would place you out of the competition for sales, then you have a big problem–unless your product is better than the rest. Someone else noted this already.
Good luck whatever you decide to do.
It’s not fully full time, but I pour a lot of time into it. I do have enough “company” money from the time I ran the business on Ebay left over to take me quite some time, and a full time job. I’m about to begin selling 300 units of 7,8, x iPhone Cases, and I’ve already failed at selling HDMI cables due to the markup being too low. However, I worried I’ve made a mistake going into possibly the most saturated of the most saturated (mobile accessories)
It’s not fully full time, but I pour a lot of time into it. I do have enough “company” money from the time I ran the business on Ebay left over to take me quite some time, and a full time job. I’m about to begin selling 300 units of 7,8, x iPhone Cases, and I’ve already failed at selling HDMI cables due to the markup being too low. However, I worried I’ve made a mistake going into possibly the most saturated of the most saturated (mobile accessories)