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IPI score calculation change

As of January 20, 2020, your Inventory Performance Index (IPI) score considers both your recent and long-term inventory performance. Your IPI is now based on the time duration that results in a higher score.

For the majority of FBA sellers, the update will result in a higher IPI score or no change at all.

Previously, your IPI score was based only on recent inventory performance. The calculation change benefits sellers with lower sales volume in their off-peak season as well as sellers taking action to improve their inventory performance.

The best way to increase your IPI score remains focusing on improving inventory performance throughout the year. Your Inventory performance dashboard provides tools for reducing unproductive inventory, increasing sell-through, fixing listing problems that make your inventory unavailable for purchase, and keeping popular products in stock.

For more information, visit Inventory Performance Index (IPI) calculation change.


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IPI score calculation change

As of January 20, 2020, your Inventory Performance Index (IPI) score considers both your recent and long-term inventory performance. Your IPI is now based on the time duration that results in a higher score.

For the majority of FBA sellers, the update will result in a higher IPI score or no change at all.

Previously, your IPI score was based only on recent inventory performance. The calculation change benefits sellers with lower sales volume in their off-peak season as well as sellers taking action to improve their inventory performance.

The best way to increase your IPI score remains focusing on improving inventory performance throughout the year. Your Inventory performance dashboard provides tools for reducing unproductive inventory, increasing sell-through, fixing listing problems that make your inventory unavailable for purchase, and keeping popular products in stock.

For more information, visit Inventory Performance Index (IPI) calculation change.


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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post
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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

May I suggest that seasonal items be weighted differently?

Some goods are very seasonal that they only sell for about two weeks in a year. For example: it would sell 40-100 items a day in that two weeks period while in other times of the year it would sell only a few items/month. ( I can give the ASINs privately if needed.)

Please take that into account. My IPI is dragged down heavily because of such goods.


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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

This is likely great news for those on the edge of 400 (the next eval for storage limits is the week of Feb 10, with the final eval for 2nd qtr the week of Mar 23) due to seasonal issues. I would, like to point out that there is barely 30 days before consequences of the new calcs, and once again we get the forum notice on the day the policy changed. I guess we should be glad it isn’t more restrictive.

I would really like to voice my complaint about the general timing of these announcements, and the lack of reasoning/overall direction given. Is Amazon is so worried about sellers gaming their system they can’t give us timely basic information necessary to plan? Was this part of a deliberate head fake to give the earlier change more impact during the holidays, or part of a larger overall plan, or maybe just a decision made suddenly to mitigate the last sudden change in the opposite direction? (raising min to 400)

This disruption and uncertainty costs sellers money, whether in fees, constantly redoing inventory plans, emergency sends/pulls, restrictions, or just plain lost opportunity for those who factor risk and need a safety margin proportional to the unpredictable changes. Moving the goal posts is not efficient for anyone, doing so frequently with such little notice seems careless at best. My extra 30 IPI points doesn’t pay any bills, but a little extra inventory would have.

Happy New Year (grumble, grumble)

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post
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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

I was wondering what happened, my score jumped 23 points.

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

Thanks for clearing this up. I was wondering what happened. Our IPI score jumped from 908 to 912.

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

How long is the long term performance ?

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

That IPI is nothing but a joke!!!

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

have 25 items that 1 or 2 will sell a week it wants me to send in 40 more what a joke

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

This whole thing was a farce by Amazon to preserve or gain warehouse space for their own products during the holidays… PERIOD… IMHO

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IPI score calculation change

As of January 20, 2020, your Inventory Performance Index (IPI) score considers both your recent and long-term inventory performance. Your IPI is now based on the time duration that results in a higher score.

For the majority of FBA sellers, the update will result in a higher IPI score or no change at all.

Previously, your IPI score was based only on recent inventory performance. The calculation change benefits sellers with lower sales volume in their off-peak season as well as sellers taking action to improve their inventory performance.

The best way to increase your IPI score remains focusing on improving inventory performance throughout the year. Your Inventory performance dashboard provides tools for reducing unproductive inventory, increasing sell-through, fixing listing problems that make your inventory unavailable for purchase, and keeping popular products in stock.

For more information, visit Inventory Performance Index (IPI) calculation change.


32 replies
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IPI score calculation change

As of January 20, 2020, your Inventory Performance Index (IPI) score considers both your recent and long-term inventory performance. Your IPI is now based on the time duration that results in a higher score.

For the majority of FBA sellers, the update will result in a higher IPI score or no change at all.

Previously, your IPI score was based only on recent inventory performance. The calculation change benefits sellers with lower sales volume in their off-peak season as well as sellers taking action to improve their inventory performance.

The best way to increase your IPI score remains focusing on improving inventory performance throughout the year. Your Inventory performance dashboard provides tools for reducing unproductive inventory, increasing sell-through, fixing listing problems that make your inventory unavailable for purchase, and keeping popular products in stock.

For more information, visit Inventory Performance Index (IPI) calculation change.


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IPI score calculation change

by Chris_Amazon

As of January 20, 2020, your Inventory Performance Index (IPI) score considers both your recent and long-term inventory performance. Your IPI is now based on the time duration that results in a higher score.

For the majority of FBA sellers, the update will result in a higher IPI score or no change at all.

Previously, your IPI score was based only on recent inventory performance. The calculation change benefits sellers with lower sales volume in their off-peak season as well as sellers taking action to improve their inventory performance.

The best way to increase your IPI score remains focusing on improving inventory performance throughout the year. Your Inventory performance dashboard provides tools for reducing unproductive inventory, increasing sell-through, fixing listing problems that make your inventory unavailable for purchase, and keeping popular products in stock.

For more information, visit Inventory Performance Index (IPI) calculation change.


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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post
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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

May I suggest that seasonal items be weighted differently?

Some goods are very seasonal that they only sell for about two weeks in a year. For example: it would sell 40-100 items a day in that two weeks period while in other times of the year it would sell only a few items/month. ( I can give the ASINs privately if needed.)

Please take that into account. My IPI is dragged down heavily because of such goods.


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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

This is likely great news for those on the edge of 400 (the next eval for storage limits is the week of Feb 10, with the final eval for 2nd qtr the week of Mar 23) due to seasonal issues. I would, like to point out that there is barely 30 days before consequences of the new calcs, and once again we get the forum notice on the day the policy changed. I guess we should be glad it isn’t more restrictive.

I would really like to voice my complaint about the general timing of these announcements, and the lack of reasoning/overall direction given. Is Amazon is so worried about sellers gaming their system they can’t give us timely basic information necessary to plan? Was this part of a deliberate head fake to give the earlier change more impact during the holidays, or part of a larger overall plan, or maybe just a decision made suddenly to mitigate the last sudden change in the opposite direction? (raising min to 400)

This disruption and uncertainty costs sellers money, whether in fees, constantly redoing inventory plans, emergency sends/pulls, restrictions, or just plain lost opportunity for those who factor risk and need a safety margin proportional to the unpredictable changes. Moving the goal posts is not efficient for anyone, doing so frequently with such little notice seems careless at best. My extra 30 IPI points doesn’t pay any bills, but a little extra inventory would have.

Happy New Year (grumble, grumble)

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post
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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

I was wondering what happened, my score jumped 23 points.

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

Thanks for clearing this up. I was wondering what happened. Our IPI score jumped from 908 to 912.

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

How long is the long term performance ?

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

That IPI is nothing but a joke!!!

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

have 25 items that 1 or 2 will sell a week it wants me to send in 40 more what a joke

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

This whole thing was a farce by Amazon to preserve or gain warehouse space for their own products during the holidays… PERIOD… IMHO

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post
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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post
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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

May I suggest that seasonal items be weighted differently?

Some goods are very seasonal that they only sell for about two weeks in a year. For example: it would sell 40-100 items a day in that two weeks period while in other times of the year it would sell only a few items/month. ( I can give the ASINs privately if needed.)

Please take that into account. My IPI is dragged down heavily because of such goods.


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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

May I suggest that seasonal items be weighted differently?

Some goods are very seasonal that they only sell for about two weeks in a year. For example: it would sell 40-100 items a day in that two weeks period while in other times of the year it would sell only a few items/month. ( I can give the ASINs privately if needed.)

Please take that into account. My IPI is dragged down heavily because of such goods.


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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

This is likely great news for those on the edge of 400 (the next eval for storage limits is the week of Feb 10, with the final eval for 2nd qtr the week of Mar 23) due to seasonal issues. I would, like to point out that there is barely 30 days before consequences of the new calcs, and once again we get the forum notice on the day the policy changed. I guess we should be glad it isn’t more restrictive.

I would really like to voice my complaint about the general timing of these announcements, and the lack of reasoning/overall direction given. Is Amazon is so worried about sellers gaming their system they can’t give us timely basic information necessary to plan? Was this part of a deliberate head fake to give the earlier change more impact during the holidays, or part of a larger overall plan, or maybe just a decision made suddenly to mitigate the last sudden change in the opposite direction? (raising min to 400)

This disruption and uncertainty costs sellers money, whether in fees, constantly redoing inventory plans, emergency sends/pulls, restrictions, or just plain lost opportunity for those who factor risk and need a safety margin proportional to the unpredictable changes. Moving the goal posts is not efficient for anyone, doing so frequently with such little notice seems careless at best. My extra 30 IPI points doesn’t pay any bills, but a little extra inventory would have.

Happy New Year (grumble, grumble)

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

This is likely great news for those on the edge of 400 (the next eval for storage limits is the week of Feb 10, with the final eval for 2nd qtr the week of Mar 23) due to seasonal issues. I would, like to point out that there is barely 30 days before consequences of the new calcs, and once again we get the forum notice on the day the policy changed. I guess we should be glad it isn’t more restrictive.

I would really like to voice my complaint about the general timing of these announcements, and the lack of reasoning/overall direction given. Is Amazon is so worried about sellers gaming their system they can’t give us timely basic information necessary to plan? Was this part of a deliberate head fake to give the earlier change more impact during the holidays, or part of a larger overall plan, or maybe just a decision made suddenly to mitigate the last sudden change in the opposite direction? (raising min to 400)

This disruption and uncertainty costs sellers money, whether in fees, constantly redoing inventory plans, emergency sends/pulls, restrictions, or just plain lost opportunity for those who factor risk and need a safety margin proportional to the unpredictable changes. Moving the goal posts is not efficient for anyone, doing so frequently with such little notice seems careless at best. My extra 30 IPI points doesn’t pay any bills, but a little extra inventory would have.

Happy New Year (grumble, grumble)

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post
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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post
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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

I was wondering what happened, my score jumped 23 points.

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

I was wondering what happened, my score jumped 23 points.

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

Thanks for clearing this up. I was wondering what happened. Our IPI score jumped from 908 to 912.

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

Thanks for clearing this up. I was wondering what happened. Our IPI score jumped from 908 to 912.

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

How long is the long term performance ?

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In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

How long is the long term performance ?

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

That IPI is nothing but a joke!!!

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

That IPI is nothing but a joke!!!

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

have 25 items that 1 or 2 will sell a week it wants me to send in 40 more what a joke

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

have 25 items that 1 or 2 will sell a week it wants me to send in 40 more what a joke

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

This whole thing was a farce by Amazon to preserve or gain warehouse space for their own products during the holidays… PERIOD… IMHO

user profile
In reply to: Chris_Amazon's post

This whole thing was a farce by Amazon to preserve or gain warehouse space for their own products during the holidays… PERIOD… IMHO


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