Inauthentic complaint - Account suspended
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Inauthentic complaint - Account suspended


Do any of you have ways to further dive into your accounts for identifying these complaints? I received notifications from Amazon stating that they have received inauthentic complaints on two of my listings. They do not say what the complaint are about or what the customer’s comments are.

I do have legitimate sources and the products are coming from the manufacturer.

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Tags:INR (item not received)
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I would advise you to post the suspension notice if you would like someone to help you.

Customer complaints are usually triggered by feedbacks, product reviews or return comments mentioning authenticity concerns.

Now you will need to appeal by providing Amazon valid invoices and a good Plan of Action, which will address the issue.

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Thank you AngelicPretty!

Here are the suspension notice:

"Dear X,

We have received complaints about the authenticity of the listings below. As a result of these complaints, your account has been temporarily deactivated. At this time, funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue.

Title: X
Complaint: Inauthentic product

Title: X
Complaint: Inauthentic product

Amazon prohibits the sale of counterfeit products. To learn more, please review Amazon’s Anti-Counterfeiting Policy (

What’s next?
To continue selling on Amazon, please submit a plan of action. A valid plan of action contains five parts:
– The root cause(s) of the product authenticity complaints
– The actions you have taken to resolve each of those complaints
– The steps you have taken to prevent authenticity complaints in the future
– Copies of supplier invoices or receipts from the last 365 days for each ASIN listed above. These should reflect your sales volume during that time.
– Contact information for your supplier for each ASIN, including name, phone number, address, and website.

As you create your plan of action, please consider the following:
– Sourcing: Are you sourcing your products from trusted suppliers?
– Listing: Confirm your listings accurately describe the product.
– Packaging: Ensure the product is in its original packaging.
– Storage and shipping: Implement a quality assurance process so products are stored, packed, and shipped appropriately.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Seller Performance Team"

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As you removed the ASINs it is a little hard to guess, however if you have comingling enabled or repack returns enabled; this could be the cause.

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What the complaints are does not matter.

Provide the wholesale invoices for the purchases within the criteria shown in the suspension notice.

Include in your plan, reasons why buyers might be suspicious, like you allowed your inventory to be co-mingled in FBA, And remove those causes.

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I did submit my plan of action last night.

Here it is:

Dear Seller Performance,

This is MYNAME, the principal of STORENAME. I am writing to appeal Amazon’s decision to temporarily deactivate our account.


• After a careful examination of our seller account, we suspect that Amazon questioned the authenticity of our products when we did not provide invoices showing proof of purchase in a timely manner. Those items include ASIN’s X and X. We believe that when the Account Health Support associate weren’t able to reach us at the time of the phone call, Amazon decided to temporarily deactivate our seller account. Upon checking the phone number registered on our account could see that this is a phone number that we no longer use. We updated our seller account with the current phone number.


We have taken the following corrective actions:

• We have created a removal orders for all of our ‘BRAND NAME’ products, including the ASIN’s mentioned above. We will not resubmit them until we confirm them as authentic.
• We have closed our listings for all of our ‘BRAND NAME’ products, including the ASIN’s in question. We will not re-open them until we confirm that these products are authentic.
• We have not received any other customer complaints for these products. If we do receive a complaint, we will immediately return their money and let them keep the product.
• We obtained invoices that show that the products we listed were authentic.
• We have gathered transactions receipts that shows that these invoices were paid by ‘ME
• , principal of STORENAME, to SUPPLIERNAME, supplier of the products in question with references to the invoice numbers.
• We obtained the agreement between our supplier and the manufacturer of the products in question.


• We have established a more robust and organized system for keeping all invoices and receipts. This way we have every invoice readily available.
• We put our invoices into our filing system immediately after purchasing the product.
• We will continue to sell product we are confident is genuine.


• We take full responsibility for the satisfaction of Amazon’s customers. We strive to protect the Amazon Customer experience full heartedly. As such, we respectfully request our seller account to be reactivated. Thank you for working with us to resolve this issue.

Here is an overview of the quantity purchased, funding date, shipment ID, invoice number and transfer number for the products we had received inauthentic complaints for:


Supply Chain Explained:

SUPPLIERNAME is formed by FOUNDERNAME and his wife. FOUNDERNAME holds a distributorship within BRANDNAME (the manufacturer of the product in question). FOUNDERNAME has a team of over 150 other people in his organization. The products I buy from SUPPLIERNAME are ordered with the manufacturer by FOUNDERNAME and his team. The products are delivered at their location and prepared for resale before shipping them into Amazon.

– Then I included the supplier’s email address, phone number, Facebook page (since they did not have a website) and what time they can be reached. I also included pictures from my supplier at the manufacturer’s location, their warehouse and packages ready to be shipped.

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Now, with this plan of action I submitted the following supporting documents:

  • Invoices from the supplier
  • My suppliers distributor agreement with the manufacturer
  • Transaction receipts for the invoices paid.
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Today I received this notification from Amazon:


We still need more information about the items at the end of this email. Please reply to this email with copies of invoices or receipts that include the following:

– Supplier information (name, phone number, address, website)
– Buyer information (name, phone number, address, website)
– Item descriptions
– Item descriptions (for ease of our review, you may highlight or circle the ASIN(s) under review)
– Invoice date (must be issued in the last 365 days)

You can send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered. We may call your supplier to verify the documents. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.

We will review your information and decide whether to reinstate your listings.

ASIN: X and X

We received your submission but do not have enough information to reactivate your account at this time.

Please send an updated plan of action that explains:
– Greater detail on the root cause(s) that led to the complaints about the authenticity of your items.
– Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the complaints about the authenticity of your items.
– Greater detail on the steps you have taken to prevent future complaints about the authenticity of your items.

Here are a few things to consider as you create your plan:
–Sourcing: Are you sourcing the product from a trusted supplier?
–Listing: Is the product accurately described on Amazon? Have you ensured that there is no ambiguity and the customer is well informed?
–Packaging: Is the product in its original packaging as listed on Amazon?
– Shipping: Have you taken all appropriate steps and quality checks to ensure that the product is stored, packed, and shipped appropriately?
–Review your communications from buyers to better understand the issues.
–Be as specific as possible in your plan.
–Do not limit your plan to issues with specific orders.

You can only send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered.

How do I send the required information?
Please send the required information by replying to this email.

What happens if I do not send the requested information?
If we do not receive the requested information your account will be permanently deactivated.

Seller Performance Team

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You are wasting your time posting here if you continue to refuse to post the ASINs.

Do not submit anything until you do this.

I just completed a problem like this.

We had 7 used as new complaints. I am well versed on how to deal with this.

You are not going to succeed at this.

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When you are saying that I am not handling this right and will get in trouble, do you mean this solely based on the fact that I do not give away my ASINs or do you have other reasons?

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"-- Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the complaints about the authenticity of your items."

Can anyone speak on this?

I pulled all my inventory for the brand. I did not know where the complaint came from. Now I know, and if I did have more of the product in my inventory, I would have let the customer keep the product, refund the money and send them a new for free.

Looks like some of the products for this brand are back in my inventory. Might be a customer that has canceled an order and it has gone back to my inventory. I now have the same product, but in a different flavor. I checked if I could create a fulfillment order and send to the customer but I get an error message saying that I am blocked from selling in the target marketplace.


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