How to get "Get Product Support" button in "My Orders" for buyers
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How to get "Get Product Support" button in "My Orders" for buyers

As a buyer, I sometimes see a “Get Product Support” button for a product I bought on Amazon, particularly when the manufacturer is a well-known brand name. As far as I know, it just opens a messaging box for the buyer to start communicating with the Manufacturer of the item.

However, there is a relatively small Chinese Manufacturer and FBA seller that has this button on an order I placed for their product, and I can’t find any info in the Seller Support Help Pages on this. As a small Manufacturer who also sells FBA, does anyone have any idea how to get the button?

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3 replies
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That’s a really good question and wish it would appear, on all orders.

My “go-to” page, when I cannot figure out, the precise team, that will handle the question, is Technical Support .

In your case, I would try, Merchandising and Layout (store design issue), since it’s the closest to your question. Perhaps they will at least point you, in the right direction.

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Hey I would love to bump this question to find out if there is a way to obtain the “Get Product Support” button on our orders? I don’t see the option anywhere in seller central and can’t figure out the rhyme or reason for why certain sellers can get this feature.

I sent a note to the technical support team as suggested above, but would love to hear any other insight that sellers may have about this feature.

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Also bumping this thread. Curious if anyone knows of a streamlined way to accomplish this.

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