How do you file complaint about amazon
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How do you file complaint about amazon

Amazon gone downhill as far as customer service. I used to rave about amazon.
Now I’m being totally mishandled. They’re picking up gifts I sent to people for presents, by UPS, when I didn’t ask for that, they don5 answer, they don’t refund, they don’t contact. Very strange and unpleasant company these days.

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Sounds as though you are a buyer…this is a venue for Sellers

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+Amazon gone downhill as far as customer service. I used to rave about amazon.+
+Now I’m being totally mishandled. They’re picking up gifts I sent to people for presents, by UPS, when I didn’t ask for that, they don5 answer, they don’t refund, they don’t contact. Very strange and unpleasant company these days.+

Amazon takes EXCEPTIONAL care of 98.376% of their customers.

The other 1.624% they don’t want.

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You can submit a complaint about Amazon on the BBB website. I did it many times and always had the issue resolved.

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Yes, one can only fathom what will happen when you call Amazon customer service.

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If you are a buyer and were having them shipped to your friends/family and have put multiple different addresses in there I wonder if Amazon is thinking potential fraud here which could be why they are having UPS pick them back up or turn them back around. No idea why they would even ship them in the first place though… You should call them though and ask them why they turned your packages around and see if they have an answer as to why.

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The main problem is that they use outsourced CSRs, who are simply TERRIBLE.
What you need to do is, when you call, request a US based specialist. You will find that the service and help provided will improve dramatically, as if it’s a completely different company. The US staff is usually outstanding, where the outsourced staff is horrific.

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Unless your complaint is about a specific department and you have overwhelming evidence in your favor…you don’t complain about Amazon.
If you were at a normal job would you complain about your boss (and think you would keep your job)?

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By the way, you’re all amazing. I was a little annoyed, but all of your helpfulness and humor lifted me up. Thanks. I’m sure it’ll work out. It was just frustrating and I was venting. Thanks for the info.

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Ok this now . Customer service agent can easily see this in my account and follow the history. I had ordered two similar gifts. But not same company. In 2 different cities. One to another town, one to mine.
I had to return one. Amazon sent ups with label to me and picked it up. Ok good . When it wasn’t refunded I called. (Mistake. )-----a customer service agent at amazon sent ups driver to other state to pick up other item which was CS mistake. Obviously did not look up nor understand. I had it in my account exactly which item returning. And return label created So one needed only to look .I called, and got runaround. I was asking for an answer. So my xmas gifts I sent to other state was having UPS knocking on their door asking for it back. Amazons mistake . And quite embarrassing.I emailed repeatedly, they never answered. Getting through on website for this was frustrating .Like I said. Amazon. but let’s see if I get my refund. After today. And after mystery cleared up. New rep on phone.

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