High Returns


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High Returns

Why so many returns we get on Amazon them any other site? I sell women’s clothing’s and now return rate is 35% but 2 years ago was 15%. on Ebay we get about 2% returns selling same items (evening gowns) Anyone seen same issue?

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Tags:Seller Support
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Nationally, about 11% of merchandise is returned (and that includes clothing and toys) to a retail store. Amazon’s high return rate is because its too customer friendly. Raise your price to account for the high return rate or realize your products are CrAp. (Can’t realize a profit.)

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Amazon’s liberal policies make it a wardrobe rental website. I personally would not sell clothes on Amazon, and getting a returned pair of crusty undies is all it takes. Only the best from Amazon’s customers…

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If I had to guess Your Amazon sales are much higher then your ebay sales. Also, return rate in clothing for retail averages about 20-40%. I would say your return rate looks normal.

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simple amazon lets buyers steal from 3rd party sellers and does nothing about it when people report them. Can easily list a 1000 buyers who have been reported on this site multiple multiple times for fraud and amazon does nothing. Just lets them keep buying and keep stealing from us honest 3rd party sellers. Amazon thinks they can let this go on forever with no repercussions but it will eventually kill this site once an honest site really tries to compete with them. The only thing special on amazon is us 3rd party sellers and someone is going to realize that and take advantage since amazon treats us like dirt at every turn!.

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Amazon has spoiled a gazillion buyers. I had a guy return an item 3 weeks ago. He kept requesting returns and wasn’t happy because no return label was being generated. Every 5 mins I would get a notification that the buyer has canceled the return. Huh??? I never was notified that there was a request. after 3 notifications I get an A to Z filed. I respond with a shipping label. 3 days later the case is ruled in buyers favor and my metrics takes a hit. I open a case with seller support asking why my metrics takes a hit for a buyer who abused the return function until he opened a case. Amazon responds that they are looking into the matter and that was a week ago. The A to Z is still on my metrics. Right before bed last night I get an email from Amazon for another A to Z. A buyer had ordered an item from me. It was $52 so I shipped signature required. Buyer emails me a 2 weeks ago saying that the carrier didn’t leave the item in his box. I email back explaining that he would need to sign for it. He says ok no problem. Last night I get the A to Z for INR. I check tracking and buyer refused to sign for it. I message the guy and explain to him that A to Z’s hurt small business when used inappropriately blah blah blah… Today the guy closes the A to Z. OK COOL! I go to refund him (mind you I still haven’t received my item back) and Amazon says order had already been refunded. So the A to Z was canceled by the buyer 11 hours after opening the A to Z but Amazon has already refunded the buyer. Nice! Last week I get a negative feedback. Lady say’s I sent the wrong item. I double and triple check the item and look at the video camera in my shipping room. Nope. I sent the correct item that was only $5.97. Anyways she leaves a negative feedback saying that I refused to respond to her messages. HUH??? I have never received a message from her. I message her and explain maybe she was emailing Amazon buyer support and not me but that I am happy to help her out. She don’t respond. 4 days later I get a notification for auto authorized return for wrong item sent. The lady still hasn’t shipped it back but in the meantime I get a message from Amazon saying my order defect rate is at risk… I can see Bezos ran all the malls, brick & mortars and mom & pops out of business and now they will start on us. Cold world we live in. Of course you have a bunch of sellers here who will side with Amazon and swear that it’s the sellers fault always. I read all the comments belittling people asking for help or someone who made a mistake and brings their issue here just to be ridiculed… When us small guys are gone guess who is next??? Yup the one’s always sitting here defending Amazon. I really hope everyone has a plan B to make it in life because plan A(mazon) is running out. Just look at everyone’s feedback. I took a break for about a year selling on Amazon. I was doing maybe $50 a month. Just enough to pay for my “Pro” account fees. But now I got back in full time and I see everyone’s feedback at 85% all the way to 49%. Wow! That is nuts. My feedback has always been at 99% but I expect that to change now.

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If you get the item back in new condition with tags then refund in full. If you get the item back without tags then they have used it for an event as a free rental then you can charge a restocking fee up to 50% if the item is returned in unsaleable condition. Unfortunately some people will file an A to Z claim and/or negative feedback so you will have to fight this but you have a chance to win either by amazon.com funding or winning outright. Good Luck

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Hashtag under #returnslikeneverbefore We have same issue. A lot of non-sense buyers on Amazon + scammers.

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i have an answer for you , we are paying for return labels :grinning:

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I sell dog clothes and see about a 20% return/exchange rate (almost entirely based on fit). The best way you can de-incentivize frivolous returns is to charge a restocking fee on the changed my mind returns and don’t pay return shipping if you are offering free shipping out.

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I have won an A-Z case but the buyer admitted she didn’t read the ad, claimed the item shipped was not as advertised so that she didn’t have to pay return shipping, and plastered return postage all over the original item packaging - not the carton - the ITEM packaging - so that it couldn’t be resold. I thought I’d seen everything but I was wrong. I sent Amazon copies of her e-mails; a copy of the ad with the product measurements listed in the ad; a photo of the item as shipped, and a photo of the item as returned to me. They refunded her money (this is why there are so many A-Z claims imho) but they did not take it out of my seller account, and did not ding my account.


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