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Has anyone seen "Signature Confirmation Recommendation" orders?

Ok, so admittedly I took a vacation from Amazon for most of the past year, but I noticed this in the Help section. Has anyone actually received a recommendation from Amazon to require a signature?

Signature confirmation recommendation

Amazon uses machine learning technology to analyze every buyer order based on several criteria such as item value, product type, and buyer purchasing history to identify orders with a potential risk of being reported as lost. Amazon will flag these orders with dedicated UI messages and banners in various seller central pages.

Enter paragraph content here:

  1. Manage Orders – A new message Signature confirmation recommended will be displayed under Order Status .
  2. Order Details – A new banner will be displayed on the top of the page and message will be displayed under More information .
  3. Buy shipping – For eligible purchases, Amazon will enable Signature confirmation by default. However, you can change it to tracking only confirmation.

We’ve built this feature for you to reduce the refunds and claims paid on lost orders, and we estimate that adding signature confirmation to at-risk orders will reduce reported lost orders by 35%.

If you proceed with the recommendation, on the buy shipping page, select Signature confirmation or Adult signature confirmation as the confirmation method. The price of signature confirmation will be added to your shipping fee.

If a buyer reports lost or not received on orders with signature confirmation enabled, Amazon will perform additional checks on buyer accounts before granting the claim or refund.

6 replies
Tags:INR (item not received), Shipping
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Has anyone seen "Signature Confirmation Recommendation" orders?

Ok, so admittedly I took a vacation from Amazon for most of the past year, but I noticed this in the Help section. Has anyone actually received a recommendation from Amazon to require a signature?

Signature confirmation recommendation

Amazon uses machine learning technology to analyze every buyer order based on several criteria such as item value, product type, and buyer purchasing history to identify orders with a potential risk of being reported as lost. Amazon will flag these orders with dedicated UI messages and banners in various seller central pages.

Enter paragraph content here:

  1. Manage Orders – A new message Signature confirmation recommended will be displayed under Order Status .
  2. Order Details – A new banner will be displayed on the top of the page and message will be displayed under More information .
  3. Buy shipping – For eligible purchases, Amazon will enable Signature confirmation by default. However, you can change it to tracking only confirmation.

We’ve built this feature for you to reduce the refunds and claims paid on lost orders, and we estimate that adding signature confirmation to at-risk orders will reduce reported lost orders by 35%.

If you proceed with the recommendation, on the buy shipping page, select Signature confirmation or Adult signature confirmation as the confirmation method. The price of signature confirmation will be added to your shipping fee.

If a buyer reports lost or not received on orders with signature confirmation enabled, Amazon will perform additional checks on buyer accounts before granting the claim or refund.

Tags:INR (item not received), Shipping
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This is as close to we are ever going to get as far as Amazon labeling some customers “high risk”

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Yes we had a order say that

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Just wondering if Commercial buyers, nefarious book/media aggregators or drop-shippers of ill-repute will be included. .

Hallelujah if so!! Won’t change what we do. Already include Sig. con or cancel the order if included on our own “high-risk” list. .

If don’t add signature con-though can’t imagine why one wouldn’t do so if expressly recommended- does the A-Z protection disappear?

Stay tuned…

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why not include the source? or did I miss it somewhere?

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Has anyone seen "Signature Confirmation Recommendation" orders?

Ok, so admittedly I took a vacation from Amazon for most of the past year, but I noticed this in the Help section. Has anyone actually received a recommendation from Amazon to require a signature?

Signature confirmation recommendation

Amazon uses machine learning technology to analyze every buyer order based on several criteria such as item value, product type, and buyer purchasing history to identify orders with a potential risk of being reported as lost. Amazon will flag these orders with dedicated UI messages and banners in various seller central pages.

Enter paragraph content here:

  1. Manage Orders – A new message Signature confirmation recommended will be displayed under Order Status .
  2. Order Details – A new banner will be displayed on the top of the page and message will be displayed under More information .
  3. Buy shipping – For eligible purchases, Amazon will enable Signature confirmation by default. However, you can change it to tracking only confirmation.

We’ve built this feature for you to reduce the refunds and claims paid on lost orders, and we estimate that adding signature confirmation to at-risk orders will reduce reported lost orders by 35%.

If you proceed with the recommendation, on the buy shipping page, select Signature confirmation or Adult signature confirmation as the confirmation method. The price of signature confirmation will be added to your shipping fee.

If a buyer reports lost or not received on orders with signature confirmation enabled, Amazon will perform additional checks on buyer accounts before granting the claim or refund.

6 replies
Tags:INR (item not received), Shipping
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Has anyone seen "Signature Confirmation Recommendation" orders?

Ok, so admittedly I took a vacation from Amazon for most of the past year, but I noticed this in the Help section. Has anyone actually received a recommendation from Amazon to require a signature?

Signature confirmation recommendation

Amazon uses machine learning technology to analyze every buyer order based on several criteria such as item value, product type, and buyer purchasing history to identify orders with a potential risk of being reported as lost. Amazon will flag these orders with dedicated UI messages and banners in various seller central pages.

Enter paragraph content here:

  1. Manage Orders – A new message Signature confirmation recommended will be displayed under Order Status .
  2. Order Details – A new banner will be displayed on the top of the page and message will be displayed under More information .
  3. Buy shipping – For eligible purchases, Amazon will enable Signature confirmation by default. However, you can change it to tracking only confirmation.

We’ve built this feature for you to reduce the refunds and claims paid on lost orders, and we estimate that adding signature confirmation to at-risk orders will reduce reported lost orders by 35%.

If you proceed with the recommendation, on the buy shipping page, select Signature confirmation or Adult signature confirmation as the confirmation method. The price of signature confirmation will be added to your shipping fee.

If a buyer reports lost or not received on orders with signature confirmation enabled, Amazon will perform additional checks on buyer accounts before granting the claim or refund.

Tags:INR (item not received), Shipping
6 replies
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Has anyone seen "Signature Confirmation Recommendation" orders?

by Seller_G3tKlxqw9EUfb

Ok, so admittedly I took a vacation from Amazon for most of the past year, but I noticed this in the Help section. Has anyone actually received a recommendation from Amazon to require a signature?

Signature confirmation recommendation

Amazon uses machine learning technology to analyze every buyer order based on several criteria such as item value, product type, and buyer purchasing history to identify orders with a potential risk of being reported as lost. Amazon will flag these orders with dedicated UI messages and banners in various seller central pages.

Enter paragraph content here:

  1. Manage Orders – A new message Signature confirmation recommended will be displayed under Order Status .
  2. Order Details – A new banner will be displayed on the top of the page and message will be displayed under More information .
  3. Buy shipping – For eligible purchases, Amazon will enable Signature confirmation by default. However, you can change it to tracking only confirmation.

We’ve built this feature for you to reduce the refunds and claims paid on lost orders, and we estimate that adding signature confirmation to at-risk orders will reduce reported lost orders by 35%.

If you proceed with the recommendation, on the buy shipping page, select Signature confirmation or Adult signature confirmation as the confirmation method. The price of signature confirmation will be added to your shipping fee.

If a buyer reports lost or not received on orders with signature confirmation enabled, Amazon will perform additional checks on buyer accounts before granting the claim or refund.

Tags:INR (item not received), Shipping
6 replies
6 replies
6 replies
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This is as close to we are ever going to get as far as Amazon labeling some customers “high risk”

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Yes we had a order say that

user profile

Just wondering if Commercial buyers, nefarious book/media aggregators or drop-shippers of ill-repute will be included. .

Hallelujah if so!! Won’t change what we do. Already include Sig. con or cancel the order if included on our own “high-risk” list. .

If don’t add signature con-though can’t imagine why one wouldn’t do so if expressly recommended- does the A-Z protection disappear?

Stay tuned…

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why not include the source? or did I miss it somewhere?

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This is as close to we are ever going to get as far as Amazon labeling some customers “high risk”

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This is as close to we are ever going to get as far as Amazon labeling some customers “high risk”

user profile

Yes we had a order say that

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Yes we had a order say that

user profile

Just wondering if Commercial buyers, nefarious book/media aggregators or drop-shippers of ill-repute will be included. .

Hallelujah if so!! Won’t change what we do. Already include Sig. con or cancel the order if included on our own “high-risk” list. .

If don’t add signature con-though can’t imagine why one wouldn’t do so if expressly recommended- does the A-Z protection disappear?

Stay tuned…

user profile

Just wondering if Commercial buyers, nefarious book/media aggregators or drop-shippers of ill-repute will be included. .

Hallelujah if so!! Won’t change what we do. Already include Sig. con or cancel the order if included on our own “high-risk” list. .

If don’t add signature con-though can’t imagine why one wouldn’t do so if expressly recommended- does the A-Z protection disappear?

Stay tuned…

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why not include the source? or did I miss it somewhere?

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why not include the source? or did I miss it somewhere?

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