Fine tune your detail pages with Potential Sales Lift
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Fine tune your detail pages with Potential Sales Lift

Potential Sales Lift, a metric just launched on the Listing Quality dashboard, can help you make decisions on how to fine tune your detail pages.

If your product listing is missing key attributes, such as brand or material, on the Listing Quality dashboard, the Potential Sales Lift metric estimates the impact to your sales of adding the missing attribute. The estimate is based on how much adding the missing attribute impacted sales for sellers similar to you in the past. With Potential Sales Lift, you can prioritize making the listing improvements that offer the most value to you.

To learn more, go to the Listing Quality dashboard.

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Tags:News and Announcements
22 replies
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This sounds great! Now, how about training Seller Support to actually fix incorrect attributes.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I don’t see Potential Sales Lift metric in Listing Quality Dashboard. Where exactly on the page is it located?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

AMAZON: I’ve tried to do this many times in every way I can think of and gotten nowhere because I’m not the original creator, “brand owner” and, who knows what else. I’ve even tried opening cases and laying it all out for your employees but, I never get anywhere so I’ve given up. If I have a product with a listing that needs to be fixed its more time effective to just throw that product away. If you allow me to fix and improve listings I will be more than happy to put the work in. Just let me know.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Yet you always say only BRAND OWNERS can fix these incorrect attributes right and 99% of us sellers are not so called brand owners and we sure as hell all know you get zero help from seller support to fix anything!

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

How about adding the option for not Allowing Amazon to give customers a 50% shipping discount on combined orders. You will not update weights when we tell you they are off, you sure will not let us fix listings weights yet you happily give customers a 50% shipping discount when they buy multiple items is just WRONG! It should be the seller. who decides if they want to issue customer a few bucks back if items actually combine right.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Not live on our end.
Will this new metric launch include updating the Listing Quality dashboard to prevent it from suggesting attribute updates to Parent Items that are against Listing Guidelines for Variations?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

As others have noted, even with this new program in place, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FINE TUNE DETAIL PAGES.

That’s because when you created the Brand Registry, you added every brand listed on Amazon, even if those brands didn’t want to sign up. Now, it is impossible to make changes to detail pages, titles, images, you name it, unless you’re the brand owner. This is true…even if there is no brand owner. This is the single biggest source of A) lost sales and B) total frustration with the Amazon platform.

Why on earth would you tantalize us like this, yet again? We know you’re not actually going to let us make any changes.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This tool is pretty handy. The 2 things I take issue with it are why does it seem like when a product ends up in here the category is listed wrong? Last night, I got a indication we had listing issues, and our transfer case linkages were moved from “Transfer Case Components” to “Tow Hitches”.

Also, the tool was again asking for sizes and weights, and last I checked, filling these in will cause a catalog error, and require intervention from the catalog team to be able to update or change that asin later (ive posted a few bug reports here on the forum, rarely get a reply from staff).

My fellow sellers:

Is there a good tool to verify categories (and amazon fees) are actually correct?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Could you update this to clarify the target of “you”? Since you don’t allow many of us to update almost any details listing we are on.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

LOL … Amazon … I have products with attributes, such as List Price, then get hundreds of Listing Quality recommendations to add a List Price. Re-checking my products, yep, have a list price. What’s the point of my spending the time to add an attribute when creating a product if some stupid bot created for some other metric can’t see it exists and wastes my time wanting me to add it again?

This is one of the million small cuts that make Amazon an incredibly and unnecessarily time consuming, bureaucratic, and maddening place to sell.

I have thousands of pending listing recommendations - which I just ignore because its ridiculously time consuming to add attributes for the “Listing Quality” bot even though the attributes already exist in the product listing.

Or the recommended improvements are wildly irrelevant.

For example, I have a refrigerator magnet and the “Listing Quality” bot wants me to “Provide the form of the curtain, drape or valance. Curtain forms are based on differences in window coverage, purpose, thickness and features.”

Does anyone making these bots actually test them?

Seriously. Get your act together.


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