Read onlyI’m getting so many emails asking me to move the packages faster. I shop my packages at the same day as the order or next day but USPShas been gone crazy! Most of my packages are stock at USPS facilities and are delayed! Priority mail from NYC to Brooklyn was delivered after 10 days!!! First class are moving from one place to another. Custemers are made !
I’m seeing the same thing.
I ship from a small town, that typically sees 3 or 4 pkgs per week.
I shipped 204 pkgs on Tuesday!
USPS is burred with deliveries, but I will say the workers are expressing lots of gratitude for the business. Not something I ever get from my UPS driver!
When buyers ask me the same, I ask them why they did not select the expedited shipping option. I also state that we normally ship the same day and if they want First Class Mail received faster then they should contact USPS and not us.
I see a difference in USPS scanning which makes everything seem to be moving slower.
Dec 13 1:12 PM Jersey City Nj Network Distribution Center Arrived at USPS regional origin facility
Dec 13 11:57 AM West Newfield, ME, United States Accepted at USPS origin facility
Dec 11 2:34 PM West Newfield, ME, United States Shipment received, package acceptance pending
Dec 11 12:00 AM Pre-Shipment info sent to USPS, USPS awaiting item
The Acceptance Scan is being done in Jersey City Not the originating PO.
This was media mail.
Same results but different sorting centers for FCM and Priority.
I have seen packages delayed a couple days and the tracking just says its still moving to the next location for 2 days.
My postal carrier delivering to my house forged my signature on a signature required delivery and didn’t even knock or ring the bell.
A calm, polite response is all you can do.
Make sure the USPS is the target of the frustration.
Enter a missing mail search on their behalf and tell them you did so.
Ask them to be patient because after all, it 'tis the season.
If appropriate, relate your own story of how slow delivery was to you, commiserate. We are all in this together.
yeah, slow as a molases. this shop closes on sunday night for the rest of the year. not dealing with “arrived too late” horse****
I had a Priority from Florida to Tennessee take nine days - normally that customer gets my Priority shipments in two days. This is getting beyond ridiculous!
Yeah I had one accuse me of moving the date… USPS routed to the wrong part of the country took 10 days to reach the proper place. Of course it was all my fault and the customer never read any of the messages I sent. Including the one about shipping out a free replacement.
So they left bad feedback and wanted the item for free when it did arrive.
I wish late delivery was the only complaint I was dealing with! The amount of “delivered but not received” complaints or “stolen” or “open with empty package” complaints is rising too much as well. How are you all dealing these complaints?