Read onlyJust received this from Amazon. Should I even bother responding or mark as “no response needed.”?
Customer want to expedite the shipping speed for this order. This customer is very important for Amazon and we don’t want to lose this customer. So, please expedite the shipping speed as soon as possible on priority basis. After expedite the shipping speed please contact the customer.
Customer could have easily chosen the expedite order and paid for it, instead, they want to get things done for FREE. Unbelievable.
Respond to the customer with the planned ship date and estimated arrival date.
Advise them that they can cancel the order prior to shipment.
The shipping method you chose was for standard shipping. If you would like expedited shipping, please cancel this order and place a new order with the expediting shipping option selected. Because you are such an important customer with Amazon, I have done you the esteemed honor of typing out this e-mail with only 2 fingers. Guess which ones.
Not A Doormat.
The wording of the Amazon message sounds very strange. Are you sure this message was legitimate?
I’ve actually had buyers want a refund because they’re prime members, and didn’t get their item in 2 days… I don’t ship prime, and am not paying the extra shipping.
I receive similar messages from buyers all week long. Most say, “I need this sooner.” I usually send back a brief message saying, “Your order will be shipped as quickly as possible.”
I would move them to the front of the line, since they sound like trouble. Could you possibly send USPS Priority for faster service if it wasn’t too expensive?
We had this throughout Christmas. Would choose free shipping then would want it within 2-day express for free.
Once I had an Amazon customer call me on a Friday afternoon, late. It was a law firm; they needed a book for evidence in a trial on Monday. They offered me their FedEx number to ship it to them, Saturday delivery, which I did. If a customer is important to Amazon, & really needs the item, they will pay for its delivery.
Ship ASAP with tracking and mark as no response needed as tracking number will appear on the order.